AND . . . . earnings have fallen back down below inflation

In July 2023 wages had hit a new record, 24 consecutive months below inflation. It continued that way (wages below inflation) for a few more months

During much of that time there was discussion here of “wages” vs “income” with libs conflating the two and making inaccurate claims

after spending ONE (and only one) quarter above inflation, real wages have now slipped again.

Hope ya all enjoyed the good times while they were here.

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Looking more like Carter years.


At least Jimmy Carter never tried to put lipstick on a pig.

There is a lot not to like about him but as a devout Christian he did not lie, and as a farmer, a businessman and an Annapolis grad, he knew you cannot solve a problem by denying it exists.


Democrats will keep telling us that the economy is perfect, regardless of whatever the numbers are. They don’t need to worry, because the bulk of news media will carry as much water for them as needed.


Carter built houses for the poor after his presidency- restitution for making them homeless? probably not - besides, Joe’s brother doesn’t brew beer…