An Iconic Magazine Closes It's Doors

Sports Illustrated was still around? I wouldn’t have known. I haven’t looked at a print copy of a magazine in years. Everything is going online now.

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Is there any proof of this, or is it just another thing the cons “know”?

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I wonder how it affected advertisers.
(Maybe Bud Light kept advertising, but the rest? I dunno.)

Ya want I should google it for you?

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You know it too.

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I did not know about the tranny cover. I won’t claim to know how much that actually affected sales / advertising. I do know how much attention trannies get here, though. It is, a lot, to say the least. Transfixed.

You have more replies in this thread about trannies than anyone else.

Nobody has mentioned tyranny here though.

Lol. Corrected that, thanks.

It’s not this one thread. I didn’t bring it up, I responded to a series of original posts about it. But it’s much more pervasive than that. The forum is transfixed.

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a single issue did not kill off SI its had declining sales and like all printed magazines struggling to compete against online competition.

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I’m guessing there will be a revival in the not-to-distant future.

Apparently, Arena Group licensed the brand from Authentic Brands and the mass-layoff occurred after Arena group missed a payment to authentic.

They (presumably Arena) own several hotel/casinos and a recognizable clothing line under the Sports Illustrated name and are in talks about re-acquiring license to use the name from Authentic.

Either them or someone else.
The magazine might become nothing more than an Oprah Magazine like tie-in but the brand is still good and worth more alive than dead.

Please detail what are the SCIENTIFIC-BIOLOGICAL/GENITIC conditions used to classify these so-called trans people???

People (of any stripe) will see in an article like this what they want to see in it:

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To be fair it is Western Journal, not exactly an unbiased source. IMHO the AI scandal was more of a hit to SI than one single issue. However SI as a print magazine has been teetering on closure for a long time.

Outside of graphic novels and my incessant collecting of British comics from the 60s, 70s and 80s I never buy physical media anymore. All my books, magazines, everything is digital and has been for years. I dont even buy Blu Rays anymore, used to havr a massive collection of movies. All in the cloud now.


Is this one trans or just a bad cover?


How about this one from 2018?

SI has a management problem. A very big one that forgot its audience.


To be fair, it doesn’t matter a single bit.

They covered both sides of the positions posted here. They gave credence to both sides.

Summarily shooting the messenger is a juvenile approach.

Go Woke…


gotta be woke

at literally…. all costs

what an age. really.

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they are already promoting Michelle obama.

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She would fill in a bikini better than these 2 unhealthy models.

At least from the back.


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No it did not, its audience moved on to accessing whatever it was SI was offering to other online equivalents. Whats the point of buying a weekly or monthly periodical that is already out of date by the time you get it.

SI like so many, failed because it stayed with an outdated delivery method and did very little to innovate.