An excellent decision from a Democratic State Judge in Baltimore

First link is commentary from Cato, the second link is to the Opinion of the Court.

The case name is MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE, Plaintiff, V. BP P.L.C., et al., Defendants.

State Judge Videtta A. Brown presided.

She ruled that the Clean Air Act gives the Federal Government sole and undisputed jurisdiction over climate issues and that the States are preempted and barred from interfering in climate policy and from handling climate claims.

She also shot down a number of Maryland State law claims which had been brought by the city in an effort by the Plaintiffs to throw ■■■■ at the wall and see what sticks. In this case, nothing. :smile:

Climate suits, in such as they should even be permitted to proceed at all, should be the exclusive domain of the Federal courts and this State Judge correctly realized this.

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More central control, More boot licking idiocy. :rofl:


I figured if Safiel liked it that it was a bad decision.

Some people like being told how to behave, how to think, how to live. They’re be lost without their master(s). I have dogs and cats in my house exactly like that. It’s a minority of mammals thing I guess. :man_shrugging:



I supported the overturn of Chevron.

So I guess you think that was a bad decision.


You do realize that this decision is FAVORABLE to gas and oil interests???