An example of why society is getting more and more coarse and disrespectful

If catching typos are your big victories, go for it :+1::rofl:

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But then you are the kind of guy who thinks a couple teenage boys should be assaulted, and their parents shamed… for being teenage boys…

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Where? :rofl:


The conz in this thread are mad. And desperate!

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You think it’s that simple?
I know plenty of adults who have had strict up bringings and turned out to be hot messes…

Why do you think some men like a woman who was a catholic girl?

Maybe Baby Boomers shouldn’t have raised idiots.

I grew up in Catholic school place was a zoo.

That’s because they are spoiled idiots

No. The coach needs to be fired. It’s not “coddling” to respond proportionally.


This is funny. I’m often hearing about how the punishment doled out by “the left” is too harsh.

There is a good deal of paternalism in Guvnah’s post

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Both my boys played FB and wrestled. Now my grandson is attending the same school. Hubby mans an ambulance at every FB game, so I’ve been to a TON of football games. Hundreds…

This coach was wrong. He doesn’t deserve to be fired, but certainly he’s wrong wrong wrong. I’d flip out if I saw it in person, I mean what the ■■■■■ is coach trying to injure him??

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Been a while, but I had to reflect on it. I was genuinely triggered by the video in this OP.


Broken record is broken. And what was the point of this thread again? That people can’t read between the lines of your cryptic one-liners? If so you’ve succeeded beyond your wildest dreams.

A day later, and you’re still butthurt.

If you had read what was actually written, you would know.

Reading comprehension would fix your problem here.

And your posts are still a broken record, and this thread is an utter failure. (Unless you intended to get into a stupid pissing match about how everyone who disagrees with you can’t read. If so, success!)
