An Act Against God(AAAG)

Actually, they don’t. Take the Catholic faith, for example. I was a Catholic School kid. We were taught that the only way the Church could guarantee salvation was the only way it knew–the way Christ taught and what Christ promised. Therefore, they couldn’t advise people they would be just fine being Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, non-Catholic because the Church could NOT make promises for those other beliefs. What it could do is say that when the Church fails to reach all or anyone, everyone is in the hands of a merciful God, and let it go at that.

The Catholic faith has worked for me as the foundation and jumping off place. But the Church can only do so much. As Theresa of Avila (another lifelong Catholic) put it in her book The Interior Castle the Church can meet people on the front step of the Castle, and welcome one into the foyer and perhaps even into the first room of many on that first level. The other six levels are up to the individual.

Think of it this way. If you lived in a castle and all your favorite rooms were on the upper levels, does that mean you should never step foot on the first floor or in the entry way again?

Yes. Or not. Some people prefer to learn from the past and the many minds, not obliterate the many and start over using only the one mind they possess.

Funny thing, that. I have yet to meet a Christian who has any hate towards homosexuals. Here online I’ve run into many who tell me what Christians “really” feel.

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Thanks for the genuine laugh, that is too funny


The christians themselves are telling you what they really feel.

God isn’t here. You can’t meet God, no matter how much the voices in your head are telling you otherwise. God doesn’t even exist on the same physical plane we do. Unless you’ve somehow managed to figure out how to transport yourself to different planes of existence, there is no possible way you’ve met God either.

Hell is the absence of God. Hence, why I said I believe THIS is hell. We’re all being collectively punished for original sin. That’s why we’re here and not in paradise. Instead of being permanent though (because people have to be afraid of your God) I believe it is temporary, like a time out. If we are truly God’s children, that makes more sense and would be a better example of “pure love” than permanently casting those aside who dare to defy God.

And just to be clear, I don’t question God. I question your representation of God. As should you.

Ok. Does the morality of God change with the times?

Westboro Baptists?


She never met them.

She’s met God though. Odd.

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Not the right God though like mine. Have you studied the Koran?

Experienced. As have many others. Met up with is more accurate than “met”.

Remember as a child, riding in a car at night, and it seemed that the moon was following the car? However, it was the motion of the car that made it seem as though the moon was moving.

As we look at the morality of mankind down through the ages is it possible it is the morality of mankind that is moving while the morality of God is stationary?

Another thought is that although the moon does not follow our car night, it does move in its own trajectory. I don’t think anyone knows God’s trajectory, if He has one? I think it is likely, but I cannot say.

You question my representation of God as pure love? What is your representation?

When I think about being against someone purely because of who they are the first thing that enters my mind is pure love.


Who is God against? Plus, there is the question is it God who is against people…or, is it people who are against God?

It should of been apparent that I was talking about hypocritical Christians and not God

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Bits and pieces here and there. I believe it’s similar on many levels to Christianity and Judaism, just several hundred years behind them. Islam hasn’t had their renaissance yet like the other two. Well that and unlike the Bible it was literally the word of God passed down to his prophet and not open to interpretation. I’m sure that will change at some point too. Every organized religion has “evolved” at one point or another throughout history to fit with society. Easier to manipulate and control people that way.

A parent and teacher. It beats the angry jealous supreme overlord of the Bible who will smite anyone who so much as questions him. Speaking of which, wonder why I haven’t been struck by lightning or smited yet. Maybe his smiting machine broke or something. Or that’s just a line in a story meant to keep people in line. :wink: