Amy Coney Barrett goes forward!

Northeast dweller here with only a third of an acfe of land.

I’ve been walking my dog every day with no worries.

Right now they have the power. The hypocrisy flows both ways.

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“The American people are presented with an exceedingly rare opportunity to decide, in a very real and concrete way, the direction the Court will take over the next generation. We believe the People should have this opportunity.”

Off the dog walking and back on the topic please.

Sure, but in this case … my god! They are the worst.

“I would go forward with a confirmation process as chairman, even a few months before a presidential election if the nominee were chosen with the advice, and not merely the consent, of the Senate,”

That’s one point of view.

Absolutely true. And Barrett will obviously get seated, that’s a given. Let’s just avoid any BS whining whenever the Democrats pull the same shenanigans the moment they are back in power.

This is the future of the Republic with a polarized government.

When one side has power, they will wield it.


Dems in my mind wasted energy in a futile effort to stop ACB’s nomination.

They needed to get their constituents pissed at the “blatant GOP power grab” and flip the Senate.

They are doing that to a degree, but the whininess during the hearings was IMO counter-productive.

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Agreed. This is the state of America as is. Democrats need to shut up and work the system when they can. To whine like they are above similar actions makes them even bigger hypocrites than Republicans for their 2016-2020 flip flop festival.

Lindsey literally said “Use my words against me.”

The GOP man … party of personal responsibility right there.

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So are emotional outburst…

A “right” no one should have had anyway, same as ACA.


Wondering great outdoor with trusted companion is safest place to be. :wink:

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More emotions…


Because those who can afford tattoos, Smart Phones, body piercings and cigarettes can’t afford a three pack of rubbers at 7 11.



What handmaiden completed law school?


Gender neutral?!

Dude you’re hilarious!!

These young people would love you!

You don’t REALLY believe that’s going to happen do you? The Supreme Court has been majority Republican nominees since 1973. I think it was majority Republican when Roe V Wade passed.

Yeah, that’s what I’m seeing. They boxed themselves in.