AMERICA UNLEASHED: January Job Growth ‘SHATTERS’ Expectations, +304K Positions

Originally published at: AMERICA UNLEASHED: January Job Growth ‘SHATTERS’ Expectations, +304K Positions | Sean Hannity

The American economy continued to soar under President Trump during the first weeks of 2019; “shattering” expectations and posting over 300,000 new positions in January alone.

“Job growth in January shattered expectations, with nonfarm payrolls surging by 304,000 despite a partial government shutdown that was the longest in history, the Labor Department reported Friday,” reports CNBC.

“Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had expected payrolls to rise by 170,000 and the unemployment rate to hold steady at 3.9 percent,” adds the report.

The strong economic data comes just weeks after President Trump ended the longest shutdown in US history; giving Congress a mid-February deadline to reach a bipartisan budget agreement or face another potential government gridlock.

Read the full report at CNBC.