AMERICA LAST: Cory Booker Claims US No Longer ‘TOP COUNTRY’ to be Born Into

Originally published at: AMERICA LAST: Cory Booker Claims US No Longer ‘TOP COUNTRY’ to be Born Into | Sean Hannity

Potential Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker publicly slammed the United States’ social mobility during an interview this week; saying the US was no longer the “top country” should you hope to escape poverty.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) says that the U.S. is not “the top country” to be born into today during an interview on “Pitchfork Economics”

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 26, 2019

“Now, if you’re going to be born on the planet earth, the United States of America -if you’re looking to get out of poverty- is not going to be the top country if you’re going to be born poor to get out,” said Booker.

“That’s actually an assault on the very idea of the American Dream. We need to be the party of reclaiming the Dream,” he added.

Listen to Sen. Booker’s comments above.