America First and Mental Health

A good, albeit tiny, step in the right direction. And bipartisan! Speaker Mike is already paying dividends!

The funds need to be deducted from the Ukraine/Israel gun money. Also, any funds being pissed away to Afghanistan re-purposed to build this program.


I kind of doubt farmers are the type of people to arm side chat with a mental health professional.

I’m also sure if they have insurance it can be done via a platform such as Zoom

If there is a glaring group needs mental health care it is those in the cities, i.e. homeless.

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Rural communities also experience a higher rate of suicide, according to the data — with a suicide rate of 18.3 to 20.5 per 100,000 residents, compared with 10.9 to 12.5 in large urban areas.

I love the photo Fox news used to depict rural America. I know jack ■■■■ about farming in rural communities but I somehow doubt they are all farming from “abandoned” shacks. :grinning:

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Good focus. Good D⁶

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I was reading a serious article about mental health and then saw the photo Fox choose to accompany the article, yes it made me laugh because its so ludicrous and cheapens then emphasis of the reporting.

Anything that provides more access to mental health resources to any demographic of Americans is a good thing.

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And chose to focus on it instead of the bipartisan bill. Well done.


What the heck are you blabbering on about now? You constantly want to argue the toss over the tiniest point.


It’s sad to hear how the handling of this pandemic has led to this. Our government exacerbates the problems they attempt to solve. I would have thought that those going it mostly alone, would have been the ones less effected by the insanity they’re not seeing and personally dealing with. I’m glad this was spotlighted and is being addressed
as it should be.

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Humans are naturally social creatures. Even those who choose to live separate are impacted by that choice.

Not wanting to rehash the while covid debate again but even though I agreed with the lockdowns I knew there would be a mental health price to pay.

I guess there’s a lot of depressed people in the US?

More than 1 in 5 U.S. adults live with a mental illness.

Rural mental health crisis
 What will they think of next. :rofl:


Baby steps. This is quite clearly a step in the 2A infringement direction. :wink:


As defined by people who profit from it.

You know the house doesn’t pay the bills. Growing up in farming communities you see the latest equipment/tractors, milkers and silos with run down house.

So that tells me everything I need to know.

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Just plain high school kids in rural areas are often in deep doodoo if they have a mental health emergency or crisis. I tried to help one and it was a nightmare finding competent help. Not my kid, but a close friend nonetheless and it was very ugly for a while.

Why do you have to turn everything into an arguement?

Look at that photo, its obvious no one lives it in, its a shack not fit for human habitation and the scrubland around it shows no tracks or paths indicating regular usage.

The fact I have to point this out is actually laughable

Horse ■■■■ is spread with a rake, not a message board.

You know I was educating you
that things don’t always appear what they seem.

Fact is
farmers need to expand or they get swallowed up. That’s the way it is in rural farming areas. Constant pressure.

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Fair enough I was surprised to learn that 96% of farms in America are classified as family farms. Though I wonder how many of those Very Large Family farms and large family farms have gobbled up the smaller ones?

Not that I can fault any farmer for selling.