Attended church my whole life, until about 10 years ago when I saw what the influence of the hucksters like Rick Warren and Joel Osteen had done and quit going. I seriously doubt what Moore said in the OP. Maybe one or two people in the most backward area would say something like that to a pastor, but I have my reservations.
His book is just another tool for the left and “Lincoln Project” types to continue achieving synthesis.
They, and guys like them had a huge influence on churches in my area, other than the very small, Pentecostal type churches. Aspiring to be more worldly all in the name of growth. Pastors were passing out “The Purpose Driven Life” book to everybody, and Rick Warren was just awful. Several started installing Starbucks-like coffee shops at the entrance of the church and giving out assigned parking spaces to certain members. My head pastor got several tattoos to show that “Christians can also be cool!” (his words), and sermons started to get very liberal…but I digress.
I’m a fundamental Baptist, I believe in the authority of God’s word. While Christians are to put their faith in Jesus, that doesn’t mean we should have no concern for what goes on in the world and doing what we can to limit the spread of evil and the general moral decay of society. Christians are to supposed to be in the world, but not of the world.
The problem with America (and the rest of the world), is spiritual. As more and more Americans kick God out of every aspect of their lives, Satan is free to fill the vacuum. We’ve reached a point where the God haters, The God deniers and the God apathetic have Christians so outnumbered we never longer have a noticeable impact on society, and it’s going to get worse. MUCH worse.
Spiritual problems can not be solved by applying political solutions. That does not mean Christians should withdraw and not use the limited means available to slow the descent into complete moral depravity and anarchy that is coming, on the contrary we are called to use the knowledge, wisdom and discernment God gives us from his word and apply it to our lives, both private and public and that implies a duty to vote.
Contrary to what the left wants us to believe, not all Religions, philosophies, beliefs and cultures are equal. Any of these that don’t lead to Christ and what he taught are of Satan by default and Christians should reject them outright and denounce them.
The people told Samuel to give them a king so they could be like every other nation, so God told Samuel to give them what they wanted. The people rejected Gods rule for imperfect, fallen man and we’ve been in that state ever since. Our choice in America has been between two primary belief systems, and the leader of one of those systems to rule over us for periods of four years at a time. Both are moving farther from God, which is why we will eventually fall (very soon), but in one party there is nothing left of God at all.
I picture the choice as hanging over a cliff by your fingers. Republicans will walk by and allow you to hang on as long as you possibly can while the Libs are standing at the top stomping on your fingers. Not much of a choice, but at least the Republicans allow the possibility you could still climb up and not fall…
You do realize that you support “the election was stolen” lie even after everyone in Trumps circle said it was a lie.
After the Senate and Mueller report, you won’t find a single lib in this board who doesn’t believe those reports. You (c) still believe the lies still being told to you.