Altar call for Evangelical America

Interesting conversation.

This quote I found gutting:

MOORE: Well, it was the result of having multiple pastors tell me essentially the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount parenthetically in their preaching - turn the other cheek - to have someone come up after and to say, where did you get those liberal talking points? And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ, the response would not be, I apologize. The response would be, yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak. And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.

A passage about splinters and planks comes to mind.

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Is that your synopsis? Wow…that’s a deep OP. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Honestly, of all the groups that have gone all gaga over Trump, evangelicals have been the group that have disturbed me the most. If anyone should know better, it is the evangelical community. I grew up in a Baptist church, and have remained in a Baptist church all of my life. There was a time around 2016 when I considered leaving the Baptist church altogether - but I finally managed to find a Baptist church who focused on following the principles of the Word of God rather than going the route of following Trumpism.

I could get into a whole theological discussion of this as I have a theology degree from a Baptist college and have pastored Baptist churches before, but as this is a political board I will refrain from going that route.


Are you ready? IF…IMHO…you’re a Christian…POLITICS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. It’s a daily, personal relationship with The Lord, giving Him your best efforts with the goal of Glorifying Him as well as helping all those He has cross your path along the way. His Kingdom is not of this world.

That said, the corrupt establishment in DC has got to go. I say this on a personal basis and I’ll do everything I can to help clean up this country and MAGA is the only force I’ve ever seen that’s goal, is to accomplish this.


Paul persecuted Christians, killed them even. If God can use him, he can use Trump or anyone. You should know this with your theology degree.


Then why are people saying this:

You’ll have to ask them but as a Christian…I turn the other cheek…until…it’s time to start flipping tables as our Lord not just told us but showed us. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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That discussion would be appropriate for Politics, as it addresses the relationship between the political views of the believers and the place of religious leaders in political discourse in the community and nation. But there will be high potential for uncivil exchanges on such an emotional topic.

As long as the Church in the United States continues to champion the Dariuses of the world instead of the Daniels, it will continue to find the words of Jesus subversive.

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And yet even though cleaning out corruption in DC is not its goal, the Gospel is the only thing that can accomplish this.

A lot of churches, not just evangelicals, are having great difficulties.

I grew up as United Methodist/Presbyterian (literally, as the small community church alternated denominations every other week). The Methodists are currently in the middle of a huge schism, with more conservative congregations (including my hometown congregation) breaking away from the main church, primarily over LBTQ issues.

Other churches are schism-ing as well.

Unfortunately, a church that lifts the sword of politics is very likely to die on that self same sword.

Going to be a lot more splintering and a lot more micro denominations.

…and yeah tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…I fear no evil…for thou art with me.

This is how I approach things LB. I give my best, pray and know that The Lord is with me. When I come to my own personal Red Sea, with no answer in sight and things closing in…I pray. I’ve been amazed at what’s happened and each time it does, my faith increases even more.

Why do you think a passage dealing with the different ways a Christian is supposed to judge starts with commands about splinters and planks?

Because none of us is righteous or perfect, and we don’t control others, but we do control our selves.

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Not anytime soon

Why do you think people are compelled to tell pastors the scripture is too weak and liberal?

You really want me to opine on unknown individual’s motives in a second hand account about what someone may have said to someone else?



It started when we traded the power of Holy Spirit to change lives for the lesser of political power to change laws.

If you say so