All male draft and draft registration declared unconstitutional in National Coalition for Men, et al v Selective Service System, et al

Why is that? The boys don’t have a choice if the draft is on.

Good Lord. Wrong.

Why should women be exempted from conscription to defend the republic?

I’m a feminist to the bone. This is equality under the law. If you are a citizen and levee en masse is declared then every citizen should have to rise to the occasion. Not just men.

I thought you were male all this time!

Well I’m a male feminist. I believe in full equality for women. Always have, always will.

By the same token full equality of rights brings with it full equalities of responsibilities to the republic. So if we are going to be conscripted they should have to be right there beside us. That is equality.

Unlike radical feminists however I do not subscribe to the fallacy that women are physically and biologically equal to men. There are things that men are better suited for due to our biological make up and things that women are superior at because of their biological make up.

But when it comes to social responsibility and the rights given to us by nature we are equal.

So do I.

That doesn’t exempt them from service to the republic of called upon.

That does not compute. But have a nice day anyway.

Good post by the way.

yeah rich people were drafted into vietnam.

Name one.


Yep…we want that equality…including the responsibilities. As it should be.

How uncivilized! Should we draft children too?

How is drafting (if it were to happen) a 19 year old woman uncivilized, yet drafting a 19 year old man civilized?

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Because civilized men protect women and children.

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So do you disapprove of women in the military?

Why is it that you don’t want women to be trained to protect?

women arent children. LOL

Allan (capt obvious)

So equality of rights but not of responsibilities.

Watch closely…there are those who do not want women to be trained to defend themselves and others…they want women to remain in a helpless, lesser position.

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No, they can volunteer. How can we mobilized men quickly, if we have to figure out what with excess women. Just double the cost for no reason…

Quite a leap… YOU can get defensive training all over the place, and they can volunteer.

Women are not as strong as men.

Not poor doesn’t mean rich. The stats have been posted. The vast majority of draftees were middle class.