All male draft and draft registration declared unconstitutional in National Coalition for Men, et al v Selective Service System, et al

Oh I completely agree with you, I was being somewhat sarcastic in my post, although the way that quote was worded could be interpreted that way. There are certain women who can do fine in certain roles, but most women are not built for combat and are not psychologically wired for it. Regarding aerial warfare I’m not sure I agree, in particularly when it comes to aerial combat and attack roles. I would’t put my money on a fighter squadron of women out performing or being as effective as a fighter squadron of men.

I disagree and the second statement is quite simply not true. Drafting females would have freed up men for combat arms. As far back as Vietnam the tooth to tail ratio was 1:12 and it has grown every year since then.

They were able to fulfill all but a handful.

I wonder if the country, with its drastically different culture in regards to the relationship between men and women back then, would have tolerated it though.

Does the ruling mean that men who did not register for the draft are free from prosecution? Would that apply to men from the Vietnam era who left the country?

Can men sue for benefits that have been denied for failing to register?

For reference, draft registration is required to receive student financial aid, government employment, job training, and other benefits:

I don’t see why anyone has to register for selective service unless there IS a draft. My brother never registered when he turned 18 and that was long after the draft ended.

As I posted, my brother never registered for selective service when he turned 18 and he still got a student loan. (but then again that was a very long time ago)

There were a few years when draft registration was not required.

Jimmy Carter changed that back when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. All men born after December 31, 1959 are required to register.

Doesn’t matter. Equality for all.

We have an all volunteer army, so it really does not amount to a hill of beans


I was in the draft free era,

I was born in 1957.

I would not have registered away.

Drafting people to be cannon fodder was never in my plans.


I highly doubt that the US will ever have to institute a draft in my lifetime, maybe never. I find the question interesting from a sociological perspective, in other words equality is fine when it pertains to desirable things not necessarily undesirable things like being on the front lines in a war.

I’d be interested to know why you think that.

There’s more stress involved, dealing with high g-force maneuvers, AAA flying at you. Actual combat situations have gotten the better of many male pilots, it’s hard to imagine that a squadron of female pilots not having more of a difficult time. I would be curious if any types of studies have been conducted?

I would imagine they still have to register, as to whether they would serve it would be like everyone else.

If the draft is called and your number comes up you go through processing. Assuming a ban is in place at the time.

Bring a note from a doctor that says you have bone spurs - you are sent home.

Bring a note from a doctor that says you are transgendered - you are sent home.

If a woman wants to defend her country I’m all for it. But I’m not for drafting women. I think that too should be their choice.

Nobody, but nobody wants to be cannon fodder.

its the poor who were drafted into the vietnam war.

People like Trump Clinton and W. took a pass.

the only thing unequal was their wealth.


Why just women? Why aren’t men given that same choice?

Sorry, men have had to deal with this forever, it’s time to include women as well.

On the bright side for both sides, if women are subject to the draft it probably means the chances its ever instituted go way down. So, in this respect having women subject to the draft protects men as well. Even if they implement it, only half the number of men will be called up over the previous model as the other half will be women.

Women must be allotted equal benefits gained from male privilege

There were people who volunteered for Vietnam and I’m sure many volunteered for WW2 especially after Pearl Harbor and in both cases knowing the costs. So in relation to my question how many women would volunteer for combat roles if a major crises arose today vs men?

Lets ask 1st Lt. Marina Hierl, she passed all the tests (physical and mental) to become a marine platoon leader.

I have no problem with women in combat as long as they pass all the tests
I have no problem with men in combat as long as they pass all the tests.

see how equality works.

obviously there are men and women who cant cut it in the infantry.

she could and did.

would you deny her infantry commission solely because she has a vagina and not a penis.


Just my opinion. I just like to treat a lady like a lady.