Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Remember when Mia Love was so fantastic a few years ago…?

You must be talking to someone else.

I don’t eat peas and I’m three days away from last shave.

I remember libs went bananas over her.


No, I don’t.

She is young and fresh…youth vote…sometimes it’s the simple answer and not a conspiracy conan

Still true.

The GOP picked a moderate over a religious right figure aka Ted Cruz.

The Dems picked Hillary over Bernie.

Why not Tim Ryan?

Oh wait you hardcore leftest don’t want anything to do with him. White male that’s around 40.

Or how about Eric Swalwell…he’s a hardcore leftist but rarely mention.

Or how about Ruben Gallego?

But yet the media is holding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez up and getting all the attention.

Notice not one single lib posted in support of her political views.


Hell shes on TV again for 100th time or so.

Seems like CNN agrees with me

The age of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The “moderate” destroyed Cruz.

Maybe a lot people like her politics more than Crowleys, Schumers and Pelosis.

Seems petty simple to me, democrats have sat up and taken notice that Trump won by promising good jobs to a hollowed out shell of blue collar workers, Democrats have decided that to compete with that, they are going to offer theft from the rich and redistribution of the wealth.

Not all of Saratoga County is red. The most populous parts, including the city of Saratoga Springs where the flat track is, are in my very, very blue district.

It’s your party now.

You can stop lying or pretending to be something else.

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What unsupported claim did I make?

With the $3 I lost? I have no idea. How many do you think I’d be able to feed with $3?

That she is a fantastic candidate for her district. Or whatever words you used.

She is.

Do you think she is going to lose to her Republican challenger (if they are even going to bother to run anyone against her?)

Want to bet on it?

Why is she? Again.

Read her platform. It should be pretty obvious, even to you.

You said it, I need to hear it from you. She’s a 28 year-old, apparently with a Trump-level understanding of government and a purse full of promises she can’t keep.

Not fantastic.