Wouldn’t be the first time a holster caused that problem.
The Russians went nuts for some crazy Makarov hostler in the 90s. And were then shocked they were negligently discharging all over the ground when they tried to pull their pistols.
Of course some of that came from a change of how they holstered their pistols anyway. In the Soviet era they were trained to not keep a round in the chamber and to rack the slide as they drew the sidearm. Leftover from the old TT-33 days since it didn’t have a safety or double action trigger. When the Union collapsed new training based on how western soldiers and police officers carried their side arms came into the picture. Needless to say the leftover old timers had problems.
My Sig does not have a manual safety. It has yet to go off when not intended too. Granted the only time it is loaded is when either myself or hubby is carrying or plinking, but all the times it’s been bounced around in and outside of a holster, never a problem.
Personally I’m not comfortable with no actual manual safety , but it fits me well and I like it.