al-Baghdadi Dead!

Is it? their leader got his virgins, what is demotivating about that?

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I don’t recall hearing the Seals mentioned.

Some people are behaving as though their friend was killed.

Calm down.


To paraphrase joe rogan…


Kitty is so powerful, people are willing to blow themselves up for the highly unlikely possibility of kitty in another dimension!

I wonder if Ivanka knew before the gang of 8. :thinking:

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I am not “out”, I have never had any for me to be out of.

I would imagine it would have been the seals since they are the ones that carroed out bin laden?

I know, I know…right along with your historical claim that you aren’t a lib…amirite? :sunglasses:

So Obese Donald is all about taking the oil?

He is going to give Exxon or someone the opportunity to go in and “take the oil”?

Lord have mercy, what a great military recruiting poster that will make!

Your Blood for Exxon’s Oil…Join Up Today!


The special forces had a canine, Donny calls it “a dog, a beautiful dog”…


Agreed! Kudos to Trump on this.

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Yeah…it is

■■■■ the politics…a terrorist is dead thanks to our military. It’s a good day.


Why can’t he just shut the hell up? :rofl:

He was just asked which special forces were involved and said “Many of them”. No specifics.

How is it a win?

How is my life, my neighbor’s life, the mail ladies life, or the life of anyone else in America enjoying a “win” this morning because he is dead?

He probably doesn’t know.

Now he is saying Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasn’t informed ahead of time because he didn’t want the raid leaked.

What an ass!

Why give Isis any compliments? :rofl:

He’s turning good news into a complete cluster ■■■■■ :rofl::rofl:

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Obviously you do since your posting here.

Is it?

How is it a good day for me, my neighbors, the folks down the street, the checker at the grocery store etc.?
