AI Failure: Entire HR Team Fired After Manager's Own CV Gets Auto-Rejected in Seconds, Exposing System Failure

An entire HR team was terminated after their manager discovered and confirmed that their system automatically rejected all candidates - including his own application. . . .

The integration of AI is making this problem worse, including exacerbating discrimination. A Reddit manager discovered a surprisingly simple error that was causing significant issues. Similar mistakes may occur frequently.

The manager shared their experience in a Reddit comment, where a job seeker complained about receiving a rejection email almost immediately after submitting their application. Both emails arrived at 10:56 a.m. . . .

“They were looking for an AngularJS developer,” he wrote, “while we were looking for an Angular one (different frameworks, similar names).” To those unaware, AngularJS is a free and open-source JavaScript-based web framework for developing single-page applications, which was discontinued in 2010. . . .

The failure at the REddit HR dept is not really a political thing (that I can tell.)

But it does highlight the fact that once AI gets involved, people tend to trust it oo mch and put their brains onto autopilot.

That gives a LOT of power to people

  • like Sam Altman (who openly disdains Donald Trump and swore to "break capitalism),
  • and like the Google execs who came up with an AI so woke it consistently portrayed America founders as nonwhite men and women.