Aging Bitter Porn Scold's Lawsuit Against Trump Dismissed

…vs your queen? Hell yes…and I’m still smiling.


the details of his marital indiscretions are his business and i dont care.

unless hes using office of president to do this and turning the oval office into his personal bordello.

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Misogynistic post.

The home of the porn industry?

all those years of leftists, dems and media admonishing “it’s their business” to anyone who thought the president shouldnt commit adultery in the oval office with their young daughter down the hall and boldface lie about it to a grand jury and the american people…

i love it too, and wondered, ever since the gay nineties, when they all would eat their words.

buffet time

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Because it’s California.


Judge HIM? Or judge what he did? I have no qualms about calling out his actions with her for what it truly was. Nobody should.

She looks good from far and far from good.

He’s just a shining example of why most celebrities should not be considered role models.

So who has to pay up…her or her attorney Avenatti?

You care enough about the single woman to make disparaging remarks about her but not the married man who is cheating on his family with said “porn skank”. It’s extremely telling

Yes. They’re called marriage vows

Our president just called a woman “horseface”.

Did he just admit to having a horse fetish?

You libs are never happy, you got mad when he called Omarosa a dog so he goes out of his way to find a different insult and it’s still not good enough.


What a ■■■■■■■ piece of ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■

It’s just Trump being Trump. And Republicans being pieces of garbage for supporting him.

You have no idea if she knew the creepy reality TV celebrity was married.

Her response:

Soon we’ll have Donny twitter battling a porn star for all the world to see.


Good move on Trump’s part. Gotta love Presidential twitter wars with porn stars.

It should knock his complicity in killing journalists off the front page.

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