Afterlife - Yea or Nay?

We have not demonstrated yet.*

That’s what @tzu said.

So you just can’t assume unity and continuity.

Well…you can…but it doesn’t really mean much.

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Thank you for speaking on his behalf.

“We don’t know yet if spacetime and gravity have discrete units.”

We have not demonstrated yet.*

All matter will end. That is the fundamental fate of the cosmos.

Consciousness is also not a given. We may, as material occurences, produce sentient and aware feedbacks, but this does not show a -ness.

I typed for myself only.

I wasn’t speaking for him…I referenced him and added my opinion that you didn’t provide an answer to his post.

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Cute. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m having a conversation without the need for you to explain what other people are saying to me.

Even how or if we experience three dimensionality may be a ‘trick’ of sentience.

Black holes make more sense if modeled as two dimensional objects:

**"Right now, the black hole paradox remains unsolved. It may reveal some very interesting truths about the universe. There are many potential solutions to this paradox, from changing how we think about time to modifying our ideas of gravity to forming alternate baby universes.

One of the strange possible solutions to this paradox is that black holes are actually two-dimensional entities.

When we say two-dimensional, they are not like our television screens. Rather, two-dimensional here is like a hologram, with information of three dimensions saved on a two-dimensional surface. Unlike a flat picture, if you turn a hologram, you can see information from all three dimensions of the object."**

This has implications, at least, for how we approach whether gravity has quantum ‘units’.

I wasn’t misinterpreted or spoken for.

Hey man…if you want to assume things for which there is no evidence, be my guest.


Your personal opinion is noted.

And spacetime?

The three working models are big rip, big crunch and heat death. They would seem to suggest very strongly a reversion to the absence of any fixed reference, the abolition of geometry, and the cessation of time (and therefore, space).

It could also cause another explosion of spacetime.

I don’t know about infinite lifetimes, but I have been on earth many times before now.

Mostly male and not too bright. And usually used for cannon fodder during multitude of wars.

Now stay here and stop the hordes while the smart people are back behind fortifications.

Try and survive the best you can. No weapons. Lol.


And possibly many “earths”

But, this assumes two irrevocable boundaries, the first that condensation produces a single point, which cannot have dimension and cannot move relative to anything else, meaning neither space nor time, and no ‘surface’ upon which information can be retained; the second, while seemingly more arcane, is also an absolute terminus: if heat death’s total quiesence reproduces a new wavefront, an emergence of non-zero potentials, then at the precipice of this energence, nothing is, and there is again nothing by which information can be retained.

Nothing is something. It happened at least once, and will most likely happen again, if not many times all at once. If the state at which this universe began is the same state at which it will end…

Nothing is the absence of anything. It《is》naught.

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Can you point to a “nothing” in this reality, or is there a “something” everywhere?