Afterlife - Yea or Nay?

Afterlife theories, think an afterlife is certain, probable, possible or bogus?

If yes, why and which theory. If no, why?


I see it more as a continuation of being. A state of “isn’t” requires a state of “is” and vice versa. The experience goes on regardless of form.

Everything about our bodies and minds are made out of the universe. That we are conscious means the universe is conscious.

I like that. Did you come up with that scenario from personal thought and belief or some form of theological thought which you are in harmony with?

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Afterlife. The body lives on another level and is reunited with loved ones who preceded it to that level.

Mostly personal thought, but it’s also essentially what’s taught about any afterlife in my opinion.

It’s always an afterlife including now.

Some detours can happen.

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YAY!!! I’m all for that!

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Personal afterlife?

Probably not.

Universal base consciousness?


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Nay. The afterlife is a concoction of the the human brain. Consciousness is an incidental artifact of evolution.

That’s why I said perhaps.

Yes…consciousness is very likely an emergent phenomenon.

It is a blessing and a curse. We are unique in the recognition of our mortality. This is the existential conundrum. It may be why people obsess over their riches, as if that may forestall death. Same thing with power. Fear of death, or death terror, drives many actions. It might also lead to altruistic behavior. No wonder the “afterlife” is so attractive, and has been advertised by religion.

How about Infinite lifetimes?

Things today will not change much in a next life or a past life, without deep prayer and awakening. The wheel of birth and death. If one is spiraling downwards into animal or lower states this delays future human births. Being a human is great good fortune, one mustn’t waste a human life span.

Mind and body is eternal but changes according to causes made. Make the right causes.


Consciousness isn’t. The modern pop psych notion of concsiousness is a repackaging of the useless and unfalsifiable notion of ensoulment.

Mind/body is by no means resolved, but hard materialists have sounder foundations. Not that the dichotomy itself is evident; but, qualia are intriguing enough, even if false, to keep the discussion going.

A behind/beyond the cosmos is unlikely.

Everything is destructible; all will be annihilated.

I imagine it as looking at the sea. As it reaches the shore there are the various waves rippling, cresting then crashing on the sand and returning back. Those waves are the fleeting lives of us all, momentarily unique and apart, born from the same creation to which they ultimately return indistinguishable.

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A byproduct of feedback, instead?

Is the truth of this statement a concoction of the human brain, and an incidental artifact of human evolution? Just something to think about.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Ergo, the afterlife is certain in one form or another.

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Just as the wave is continuous with the whole of the ocean, our bodies are continuous with the whole of the universe.

This does not logically follow.

Yes energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but it can shape matter into many different forms, and also shape the electrical patterns that apparently “give rise” to consciousness in many different forms as well.

I would ask basic questions like where does consciousness “go” when one is asleep? Or when one has an epileptic seizure? Or when one is on anasthesia?

Granted humans may be in some altered form of “consciousness” in these states…but that doesn’t really explain much to say that.

We don’t know yet if spacetime and gravity have discrete units. Continuity and ‘unity’ have not been demonstrated.