Addressing the elephant in the womb

What you are actually saying is that African American exercise the choice to have abortions more than other ethnic groups. Why is choice exercised by a group of people in any way racist?

That’s like arguing that since African-Americans are more likely to be killed by policemen than other groups, the police are racist. I don’t think you believe that.

If African Americans aborted white fetuses at a higher rate than they aborted African-American fetuses, that would be evidence of racism… but you can see how absurd your logic is. Besides, conservatives have argued in the courts for years that statistical variation is not proof of racism. Racism requires intent. Would you like to adopt the standard that differential outcomes = racism. I don’t think so.


Obviously yes. Why would you deny that woman freedom of choice?

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The biological criteria that define a living organism are ABSOLUTE. They have been for a long time – even back when you were earning your alleged PhD.

If you are really a scientist, I would expect that you took even the most elementary biology course. High School biology 101 even spells it out, so I’m sure you were paying attention to it in your post-graduate work.

Yes, I will shout for emphasis that the biological definition for a living organism is ABSOLUTE. Whether or not you as a storied scientist accept what even basic biology teaches does not change the biological facts of the matter. It just means you reject some foundational principles of biology.

If you are alleging that Jewish (or some other religious) tradition was ever meant to be an authority on biology, well you’ll have to stand on your own with that. And I’m surprised that you, as a self-asserted PhD scientist, reject actual science in favor of a religious tradition when it comes to the facts of science.

Further, if you want scientific evidence of the biological definition of a living organism, any google search will bring up tons of clearly defined criteria. I would have expected that someone a PhD scientist would already know it though.

White hoods? No. But they are an identifier.

An identifier of what and by whom?

They have skin in that game.


What I am asserting is that science and religion are separate. My PhD. is not in doubt, nor is my faith, despite what aspersions you cast. If there is a widely agreed to definition of life, what is your citation? You can’t ask me to prove a negative as a scientist. That’s the science issue

At to the religious issue, I am not offering Judaism as a view on science, I am offering it as a valid ethical system. I hope we can agree that is so. Not more valid than your ethical system but not less. All I am asking you to do is acknowledge that my faith’s ethical system is as binding as yours. Do you agree?


And how about the woman who is carrying a fetus? Is she just a baby making container?

Kind of obvious isn’t it? They identify themselves as trump supporters. By whom? By everyone.

That is most definitely true, isn’t it?

Absolutely, they are.

And you’re the only one raising religion in our exchange. I have only focused on the biological facts.

A human life is terminated with every abortion. I reject any opinion that diverges from that fact.

PS: No, I will not do your research for you, Mr. PhD scientist. It’s the simplest of searches to do. It’s something you should have encountered in all your alleged education.

The baby is already made. The human life already exists. (Another biological fact.) The only thing in question is whether you want to kill it or not.

A human life is terminated in every war too…in fact, lots of them.

And, as Trump supporters, are they respected as such, or are they a target of the opposition which intends not only to “identify” but to maliciously malign?

Your faith doesn’t bind you to kill it.

Since you, as a degreed scientist, know the BIOLOGICAL facts of human life, you should choose not to kill another human life, nor even support someone who wants to do so. (Assuming you value human life, of course.)

Whataboutism. Move those goalposts. You’ll call someone else to that in another post, so you should be honest enough not to do it yourself.

Yup. Any unnecessary killing – whether war or abortion or anything else – is an affront to the dignity of every human life. Do what you can to stop such killing. Oppose any initiatives that further them.

I don’t think there really all that many trump “supporters”. I think he’s where he is because Dems and politicians in general are hated so much. This is anarchy we are experiencing. Trump is just an anomaly - a symptom of the times.

And by accidents, disease, poisons and suicide as well. Is anyone in favor of giving up all healing and health care, because after all, why fight death? It’s is going to happen sooner or later, so let’s make it sooner? The question is, should life be treasured, guarded…or not?

And yet, you want to control women’s bodies. This is a theme for men.

Don’t kill any more babies.