Add james comey to the Growing List , Along With rosenstein and yates

The scenario you discuss happened after the election… right?


McCabe is getting hammered.

McCabe should be leaving chambers handcuffed being helped out by US Marshals.

Cnn didn’t link to the dossier when they reported on its existence which by then was an open secret.

Buzzfeed shared the dossier first.

“An incompetence tsunami” :rofl:

CNN revealed the existence of the dossier first. Buzzfeed almost immediately printed the whole thing, and CNN linked to Buzzfeed.
The dossier was an open secret to only a few, not to the American people.

CNN didn’t reveal the existence first. Mother Jones had it before anyone, and it was all the rage on twitter with basically the whole internet left knowing about its existence and badgering the media to acknowledge it. And of course it was Buzzfeed who published the actual dossier first.

I don’t know why you’re getting this timeline so wrong when its really easy to find all these articles that are still up.

Mother Jones talked about a dossier. It was CNN in conjunction with Buzzfeed that made the headlines. Most people, including myself, did not know of this until the statement by CNN. And by the time I saw the reference on CNN, the very morning they talked about it, they had a link to Buzzfeed. It was basically no different than referencing it to another page of CNN, in effect.
NO…it was not common knowledge until CNN.

On Tuesday evening, CNN reported unsubstantiated claims that Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on the president-elect during his visits to Moscow; BuzzFeed later published 35 pages of content from the alleged dossier.

Ya like I said. Thanks.

Conjunction? No. That’s just a word you threw in there just now and its not applicable. Who knows why?

As I said. Mother Jones was first the first org to talk about it.

It was all over twitter for days

BuzzFeed was the first to publish the dossier.

Then everyone and their mother started reporting on it.

Oh well, when “you” saw it has no actual bearing on the timeline of how this all came about.

No, it just wasn’t known by you. I’m literally looking at the drudgereport archives of that day and damn near everything but CNN is coming up. In fact, the narrative was to blame NBC+Buzzfeed at the time.

first mention:

later in the day:


I’ve pretty well proved my point. If you want to go further you’ll have to come up with something better then all these chronological links I’ve got that everyone else can easily find too.

You know it is amazing isn’t it we except that there’s some bad actors on the Republican side and we have all seen it but for some reason everybody on the left seem to think they that their side all have halos on as if they could do no wrong.

Wasn’t long after Hillary lost the Democrats was blaming James Comey and wanted his head until he became negative of Trump. Then he was cool again. I really don’t trust any politician maybe I am in the minority, Especially those that made a career out of it and got rich as hell after it was over.


CNN was the first big mainstream media to report on this dossier, and their basis for doing so was that they had been informed it had been presented to the President.
Buzzfeed only published after CNN had written their article, using the CNN article as their basis for publishing.
Shortly there after, CNN linked to Buzzfeed.
'Not coordinated? I find that hard to believe.

Why you would want to downplay CNN’s role in this, I have no idea. I am just stating facts. CNN is proud of their roll. Note: the article still links to Buzzfeed

Anyone know the schedule for the next hearings on this??

graham and company slow-walked it too much, but they still have work to do.

K, we went through this already and I proved you wrong multiple ways.

You never mentioned Mother Jones having it first, I’m glad you do now, and you weren’t acknowledging that Buzzfeed printed the dossier first, I’m glad you do now. Good luck.

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Well, yes, Mother JOnes did have an article on this published on October 31st, 2016. Interesting that some will say “but why didn’t the Democrats use this before the election”. Obviously, to that extent, they did.

And before that who was the one making all the noise with it in the first place ?

John McCain.

and who told him to turn it in?

Lindsey Graham.

annnd, I forget, what are we after again??

Well yeah, you can trace it all the way back to Steele, the FusionGPS and the DNC/Hillary campaign. Still, it was CNN that publicized it to most people, and provided the justification for Buzzfeed to publish.

“On Tuesday night, BuzzFeed published a 35 page document compiled by a former British intelligence operative. That publication came shortly after CNN revealed that a two-page synopsis of the document’s contents had been included as an annex in the classified materials presented last week to Trump and to President Obama. Among other things, the document – which…”