Adam and Steve- Here we go again

You’ve been conned.

This is no more govt. cheese than the subsidies Musk et al. use every day.

then don’t get an abortion.

Also government cheese. At least Musk provides a ROI.

Then don’t carry a gun.

Her body her choice has limits? Why? Ick?

So does stable american families.

  1. What?
  2. You haven’t shown cheese = “stability” and you can’t. You claimed it.
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Your abortion can’t shoot my kids.

Actually, it’s really the RECOGNITION of the marriage that is the state issue.

Anyone can move in together and commit to each other. It’s a sad level of commitment if someone needs the blessing of the state to stay committed.


Neither can my gun.

A healthy, happy stable family makes for better more productive work force. Fewer criminals. Fewer mass shooters. Fewer burned out inner city rat holes. All of which means higher GDP, less government spending.

Compare today to the 50’s-60’s. Compare the US to countries that have these things.

The evidence is out there. Of course it’s impossible to make a direct comparision beacuse of inherent differences between then and now and us and them, but the evidence is there to suggest these things matter.

It isn’t the “blessing of the State” but a myriad of legal protections and benefits that are conferred for the low low price of $30 - $100 depending on the State.

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It’s important for things like life insurance, health care decisions, visitation rights, tax benefits, parenthood status…etc

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With all the support you think they have, why has this ruling been fought since 1973?

Some people dont like interracial marriage. Where are those fights? There are no fights on that issue because the vast majority support them.

Keep your kids out of Democrat run cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta etc. and the chance of them become a victim of gun violence goes down by about 90%.

Keep them out of drug gangs and it drops even further.


Perhaps, you haven’t shown it. I realize you believe it. I see that you claim it.

You are focused on economic “stability”. Poor people can be and often are among the most morally stable.

People do not thug because they are poor. That’s a myth.


Which are “blessings of the state”


If they were the 1930’s would have been the most violent time in American History.


I agree.

What SCOTUS addressed was a law that made something illegal that people should be able to do. That law made it a jailable offense for certain spouses to be spouses. It was more than denying state recognition and benefits to that union. It was flat-out jailing them for being together.

People should have that right of association. Rights are (or should be) about what we DO.

The mischaracterization in contemporary rights discussion is the notion that rights also apply to “gettiing”.

I contend that no right should require some other entity to give.

pOLLs iS ScIeNcE!