ACOSTA DENIED: CNN’s Jim Acosta BOOTED from Trump Briefing After SCREAMING Questions

Originally published at: ACOSTA DENIED: CNN’s Jim Acosta BOOTED from Trump Briefing After SCREAMING Questions | Sean Hannity

CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta was singled-out during the President’s joint press briefing this week, with officials demanding the anti-Trump journalist “get out” after he repeatedly screamed questions at the Commander-in-Chief.

The President was speaking alongside Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte when the briefing came to its scheduled conclusion.

Acosta refused to leave the room, hurling questions at the world leaders until he was forced to leave.

"Move, Jim! Let’s go! Keep going Jim. Let’s go. We’re leaving. Come on Jim. Go. We’re done,” yelled one White House official.

Watch Acosta get “the boot” above.

I still waiting to hear the “screaming”

They literally sounded like bunch of unhinged animals. No class, no respect…but yet left-wing media babies demand it.

Too funny.

Like 5 year olds having tantrums…



Wanna be Sam Donaldson.
I agree - Acosta is vile - he knows Trump won’t respond to him.

Very unprofessional. Acosta should get checked for ADHD since he appears unable to focus on the subject material.

The “collusion” material is outdated and increasingly irrelevant.