According to MSNBC if I play the new hogwarts game I’m financially supporting a transphobe

It’s not inadvertent for me.

Can’t just play a game anymore without everything ran through the PC meat grinder.

In essence you and me are free to buy what ever the hell we want.

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For now

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Sounds like watching MSNBC is supporting propaganda.

Several years ago when The Division game launched it cane under criticism for enemy mobs having a higher number of black enemies. I did not even notice until that criticism started making the rounds.

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I would like to see a little more pushback. I think most of us are tired of the right or left telling us what we should and shouldn’t do. I think the Hogwarts game is a good litmus test because some equate gamer gate as the start of this particular type of culture war it would be nice if it ended like it began on games.

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It would be supporting nutcases. The people at MSNBC are nutcases.

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