A very, very tough question for Trump haters

So what you are saying is the Hillary should be locked up?

Well hell, you had two years to do it, why wasn’t it done?

I think we can all agree that it’s good to fully investigate people if they’ve been shady, right?

Thanks for supporting the Mueller investigation Altair!


While we’re on the subject of hypothetical situations, I have a few.

  1. What would happen if it came out that Obama and Biden had a secret meeting at Obama’s house with Russian agents, and there was a possibility that getting dirt on McCain during the campaign came up during the discussion?
  2. What would happen if Obama had told Kim (in response to him saying he had a nuclear button) that he had a bigger button with which he would rain down fire and fury?
  3. What if Obama had later said that he had fallen in love with Kim after meeting with him one on one with no preconditions?
  4. What would happen if Obama’s personal lawyer was found to be lying to Congress to cover for Obama?

Meh, I’ll stop there, but I could go on and on.

Oh, and I’ll tell you what I’d do in any of these situations. I would be flaming mad and call for an investigation into Obama if any one of the above had happened.


What would happen if Obama’s first of three wives accused him of raping her only to back down after being threatened by a “billionaire” with ties to the mafia?


Should happen any minute now. :rofl:

Cheap, cheesy, easy and sleazy. Just like the food Donny serves championship teams in the White House.


Hey now, not just anyone gets to eat 3 hour old cold fries in the White House. What are they complaining about?

Exactly. With friends like that …

Don’t play coy. You know exactly what the point is.

I’m told there was no point. Which was surprising to me too. You always have to ask with altair. He gets uppity when you assume anything.

Or maybe we can just treat people like they are actual human beings? You know they way you would communicate WHEN YOU ARE NOT HIDING BEHIND A SCREEN NAME? How’s that grab ya?

I think this question is just as hard for you, if not harder.

What would your response be?

They didn’t seem to complain. But why would they when they have hysterical Trump haters to complain for them.

Perhaps they have, much unlike Trump, a sense of decorum.

You didn’t answer my question.

Comey laid out the case against Hillary. Nearly everyone who saw his P.C. thought to themselves, holy crap she’s getting indicted. An Army Private would have gone to prison. She should not have walked. She doesn’t deserve the extra protection that we give high ranking officials.

But one positive thing did happen. She lost. This case, Benghazi and her over all untrustworthiness helped. So there is a silver lining.:wink:

The suggestion the FBI was on Clinton’s side has got to be one of the absolute most intellectually vacuous claims made by anyone in the history of forever. The level of disconnect from objective reality one has to hold is unparalleled. A person should likely be ashamed of themselves for even positing such nonsense. For either the disconnect from reality, or the sheer ignorance of facts and events. Unbelievable.


Why is it that I NEVER call out your numerous faults but you seem to feel that my perceived faults should be topics for discussion? Why is that?

What question did I fail to answer? Re-post and I will answer it.

You replied to it, and doubled down on your non-answer when I asked again - please don’t pretend you missed it. It’s still only a few posts back in this thread.

What would your response to your hypothetical in the OP be?

That’s fine. I always hope for the best too and try to be non-abusive. But I don’t have a problem with people calling me names. I guess I’m just thick-skinned. No snowflake here!