A teacher hangs a BLM flag at a school named for a Confederate general. Now she's under investigation

Her saving the oppressed. Raising your flag on the enemy’s hill is a sign of VICTORY!!!.

Sure, sure.

BLM is a political organization.

Sure you can… by asking questions. Black Lives Matter is a statement of support just like “Stop Asian Hate”

The majority of people who support Black Lives… have no involvement in the organization.

Is that what she claimed?

She raised a battle flag, she didn’t ask a question. Patrisse has made them synonymous.


Good lord…hyperbolic much?

It is.

Saying black lives matter, considering our history, should be celebrated not debated.

Saying black lives matter, takes nothing away from anyone else.

Claimed? She claimed the hill!

If it had not been fir her Woke Virtue, those children would all be dead now.

It’s been 14 years, we’re ready!


…cept when I pointed out to you, that the area where most black lives are lost, is being totally ignored by BLM? Puzzling isn’t it? It would appear that the name and the organization actually stand at opposing ends of this spectrum.

Yes and we all see when Black libs are calling the shots…Chicago.


No, YOU have made them synonymous to advance your bias.

Not that it is necessarily a bad thing to support BLM Inc (some of its chapters), but there are people who support the statement and not the organization.

White lives matter.

Blue lives matter.

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Who runs Alabama? Arkansas? Mississippi? You know… the states with the lowest education and highest poverty

I’ve never met a blue person that wasn’t dipped in paint and playing drums in front of a crowd.


Wow…you’re really running off with that goal posts.

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When people announce, “save the whales”, I do not hear people asking about the rest of the life in the ocean.

Where did she get the flags?

Is BLM the only organization that can care about Black lives lost by gang violence?

Also you are making a gross assumption that BLM doesn’t care about all black lives. Again… I invite you to read the Chicago BLM guiding principles.

Pick one and let’s discuss how it helps black lives.