A Russian heavy metal song with echoes of an Orthodox funeral service

I have been studying Russian and came across this song. The lyrics use relatively simple words and sentence structures so they are good for studying the language.

A theme of the song appears to be about leaving earthly cares at death. The lyrics remind me of some of the hymns at Byzantine funerals.

The song is apparently very popular in Russia. It is interesting to me that it combines some ancient religious themes with modern heavy metal music.

Do Russians have a much different view of the world?

Or do you see parallels with any American songs?

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Kipelov is a pretty big Chrtistian

It remains one of the biggest songs in Russia years after its release.

Its meaningless politically as he is hardly free where he lives. However he believes himself to be spiritually free which is what the song is about.

And yes Russians have a completely different way of the world. Their view of Americans as a whole is spoiled children

My view of most Americans as an American is pretty similar.

How is it going for you learning Russian. I started learning the language about four years ago before marrying a Ukrainian. My step mom (Russian) says she can understand me when I speak Russia but I can see the confusion on her face on FaceTime because the way they pronounce words. I find it extremely difficult, probably would have never tried it or given up by now if I wasn’t married to one. :slight_smile:

Russian is definitely a difficult language compared to most western European languages. Whoever came up with English spelling must have had a hand in developing Russian grammar.

I took a year of Russian in college, and I am using Duolingo to study online. My plan is to get an online tutor once I get a basic vocabulary from computer exercises.

I used a similar approach to get basic fluency in Spanish and French for travel. Russian should take about twice as long to learn according to some estimates to get to a similar level of fluency.

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Yes, I think that Russians are much more realistic on some level. True freedom is not of this world.

Compared the Soviet days, Russia is a free country. You can have a few drinks at a bar complain about the government to your friends, and you do not get a one-way trip to a Siberian gulag. You are free to move inside the country or travel overseas or start a business.

No one believes that elections are free and fair in Russia. Everyone knows that the Russian media is either under direct control of the government or run by oligarchs who are in bed with Putin. Everyone knows that the news is mainly propaganda. Perhaps the biggest difference between Russians and Americans are Russians are much less gullible and naive.

That last sentence is precious. It’s not gullible or naive. It’s love for strongmen. Been going on for a millennia. Some Americans love themselves strongmen.

The Eastern funeral liturgy includes hymns of farewell. Here is an excerpt that seems to parallel some of the lyrics of the song.

Microsoft Word - Funeral-Panachida-1998-2009.docx (byzcath.org)

You a salo munching borscht drinking holodets eating Ukrainian now!

I find Russian extremely hard even after four years and hearing it and using it on a daily basis. I know German from the fact I am second generation immigrant from there so my parents taught me that growing up.

Russian on the other hand is like walking on broken nails I can’t fake the trills and the rolling of the tongue sounds they do for many of their words that sound like our letter R a grrr sound. The wife helps and I enjoy improving I hope when her family comes over if ever covid dies down I can communicate with them without my wife as an interpreter.

Even though I would say I am about 65% proficient at this level not being able to pronounce the words like they do makes it difficult for those outside my wife to understand full sentences. Keep working at it doesn’t get easier :slight_smile: