A republican rips apart the partys hypocrisy

Is “Life” what they’re calling LSD these days?

…cuz neither the Rs or Ds that have been in office, liked him. Now some are having to change their mask of deception and pretend like they’re on board but I saw them right after the election. They are still the liars they were prior to Trump being elected.

Everything you have written here is an assumption on your part.

Remember, the Party hated Emmanuel Goldstein, didn’t they?

I’m glad people are finally starting to realize who these Trump Republicans are.

Why must you feel compelled to speak for anyone other than yourself?

Is it a vacuous inventory or a compulsion for herding?

Either way it says plenty about you and nothing about anyone else.

it doesn’t much matter what i say. Trump Republicans are showing the country what’s important to them and who they really are. gone are the family values and fiscal conservatism and common decency of a president and themselves.

you might wanna come to grips with that. it’s already happened.

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I am fine with opposing POV’s and do not need to stray from the topic at hand to more emotional fodder.




NAFTA revision…Check!

Everything appears to be in order.

Mega dittos to this post!