That, believe it or not, is it. (A) If the 2020 voting population had precisely the same party preferences as the 2016 voting population, Biden could not possibly have won; and (B) if the mail-in and in-person voters had precisely the same party preferences, Biden could not possibly have won.
Wow! Man bites dog!! Who would have believed it!! If the 2020 voting population had the same Repub/Dem split as it had in 2016, Trump must have won!! If mail-in voters had the same preferences as in-person voters, Trump must have won!! And if my aunt had four wheels, she’d be a motorcar!!
Pretty funny stuff.
Author goes on to contend Paxton’s use of this statical nonsense is unethical.
I agree.
Can you believe someone would try to bring the argument that “Had america voted like they did in 2016, Trump would have won” to the SCOTUS?