A dog shoots a woman in a car

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: irony.

I love it when you think you are insulting me. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don’t see where you were insulted.

I wasn’t. That’s the point. :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree. So why don’t you stop playing that game.

What game?

There are a lot of things dogs can do that we’re not in that video. You gettin’ all this? Seriously?

He’s right…safety on…no issue.

I don’t take any of this seriously.

But I do believe a dog can accomplish almost anything. I don’t understand the dog hate.

Yeah…me neither…but safety is there for a reason.

In more ways than one…

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Cats with guns? That’s just wrong… they’ll kill us all…gladly.

Two ply or single ply.

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My friends cat could kill you by looking at you. Mine are sweeties though.

So you think…

Well, I never turn my back. So…

I wasn’t talking about the gun.

Sorry, just catching up with some of your comments.

I hope you finally realize this is all in jest. I mean, c’mon - a thread in this environment about a dog shooting someone?

Can dog’s open carry? ‘Cause where would they hide it? I think Deputy Dog had a holster.

This is a proven fact by we saw it in 2016 NO dog voted to make idiot Trump POTUS. So all dogs are smarter than most Trump supporters I guess.