'A big red flag': Trump receives steroid treatment for Covid-19

More evidence the guy is a selfish idiot. One of the reasons that he has been doing so poorly in the polls is because of his poor handling of the covid situation and not taking it seriously enough. This is not going to give anyone any confidence that he has learned a lesson from this.

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Imagine being the Secret Service agent/driver assigned that job.



You think he was in that SUV alone? :rofl:

I’m friends with an author who’s ex-USSS. His reaction is, well, something.

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Horse muffins.

I like these better. :sunglasses:



I was under the impression he was no longer on supplemental oxygen.

Anyway, recommendations for dexamethasone are mechanically ventilated (intubated) patients and those requiring supplemental oxygen. Those not requiring supplemental oxygen did no better and trended towards worse outcomes when receiving dexamethasone than those who did not.


Receiving an experimental antibody cocktail and remdesivir so early if only “minor” symptoms were present is more perplexing to me. Dexamethasone is cheap, easily available and not typically under much scrutiny. The others, not so much. You need real indications to give them.

Steroids eh? He won’t pass USADA and won’t make the weight cut for the next debate.

steroids will help him bat .400

Why wouldn’t it be the same crew that he arrived at the hospital with? Secret service that he is with all. the. time.?

There’s more…

He said there was certain things that was doctor patient sensitive…those he didn’t elaborate on. Who knew that the CoS had already broadcast some of the facts?

Meadows did his “off record” leak right after standing there off camera and hearing the doctor’s presser. The whole thing was pretty odd.

When Obama made decisions I disagreed with, my public statements and private sentiments matched, and I disagreed.

When I found his foreign policy choices contemptible, I condemned him.

So, now, when Trump says, does and encourages others to do contemptible things, my condemnation is not from a compromised position.

I recommend this strategy for all Trump supporters, going forward.

Loyalism is gross.

Mark talked to the press at the White House Friday. He messed up.

Same here.

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Post deleted.

Mark Meadows leaked that Trump’s condition was worse than the doctors were saying to the white house press pool yesterday, immediately following his doctors presser in front of Walter Reed.

He thought it was off the record but the cameras, that were there for the Walter Reed presser, caught him.

So Trump isn’t on his death bed that some wants us to believe. :wink:


At least there is somewhat meds out there for Covid. TDS not so much. :wink: