50 years of fake news on the Climate apocalypse

Let the children be children and enjoy their short youth.

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Ah ha…here is photo I’ve been looking for. One that was taken about the time I’m familiar with 40 years ago.

So tell me libs…what happen? Why didn’t the sea level changed?

Oh…right. Obama saved the world, he save us from rising seas.

You guys really crack me up. But it’s not funny anymore, you’re giving kids nightmares.

This is what reporting actually looks like in case anyone wants to know what real reporters do. They do their research. :sunglasses:

Terrifying little autistic girls into believing they need to cross an ocean on a boat.

Didn’t libs want to build a rail system across the ocean in their green new deal?

Silly libs. :crazy_face:

Sorry OP. :wink:

Nature is nonlinear. What makes you think sea level rise would be linear? Evidence please.

Yea I should have stated 3 inches in first few years followed by 6 inches then jump to feet.:roll_eyes: I believe he is pretty young so it would go up significantly in his life if his prediction is true.
What makes you think there will be 10-12 foot sea rise by 2100?

What makes you think the sea level didn’t change? Are the pictures the exact same time and tide level? Has there been more sand deposition in that location? Can you eyeball a sea level rise of inches? What was the extent of renovations?

I’m just a bit surprised that science can be performed on two uncontrolled pictures.

I believe we have provided a graph that shows rise. Going back 40 years on that graph results in about 75 mm, or 3 inches. Can you eyeball three inches from those photos?

It sounds better that way when it comes to supporting their religion.

To admit it was because of erosion due to hurricanes etc. doesn’t sound as sexy.

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And there it is, the whole climate scam is about redistribution of wealth from the developed world to “developing nations”.

India is one of the world leaders in engineering and technology, they can damned sure cut their own emissions if they actually believe in the global warming scam.

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Sea levels have been rising since the peak of the last ice age. They had come up globally by over 300’ before industrialization even began.

The average rise today is less than 1/8 per year.

Well actually I agree with you Jezcoe, about having to let the developing world develop at the same time they are going to do that with dirty energy, primarily coal. So unless we get some incredible cost effective renewable from an Elon Musk type inventor there’s not a lot that can be done without either making things more expensive here with little effect on the temperature.

We could go full Blitzkrieg on the developing nations, cull the herd. Scratch that - I been playing to much Far Cry 5, ignore that suggestion. :innocent:

Sadly, they do a pretty good job of culling themselves with great frequency.

Never forget that India and Pakistan are always just one tantrum away from all out war as well.

It looked like that one was boiling over earlier this year.

More than a millennia of competing tribal, ethnic, and religious conflict along with two gov’ts that cannot stand one another. It’s one of the most volatile regions of the world especially since both are nuclear powers.

They’ve had several pretty major conflicts during my short lifetime.

You talking about the US?

India and Pakistan