400 Million .to Hillary....untaxed..Bill Browder

Putin said I’m special

How often do you wake up in the middle of the night fearful that “they” are coming for you, but then comfort yourself that Donald Trump will now keep you safe from evil globalists?


My post was a verbatim quotation from Vladimir Putin from a few months ago. I was posting it in the context of the OP, and the OP’s abiding affection for, admiration for, and trust in Vladimir Putin.

Seriously though, Bill Browder. Magnitsky Act Bill Browder. A constant thorn in Putin’s side for years upon years. And all it took was one story from the president of Russia-a total ■■■■■■■ unbelievable story at that-to set you off like bloodhounds to destroy him.

You are the most gullible ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ on Earth, I swear.

No, and neither is Christian charity. But you let me know if you end up in hell ok?

Trumpbots using Russian disinfo… amazing.

I’m on Twitter quite a bit making the rounds.

I’ve found that if you put one of two words in a tweet, you are almost guaranteed to have Russian bots all over your feed.

First word is “bitcoin”.

Second word is “Browder”.


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Like Pavlov’s Dogs.

The bell is “Hillary Clinton”.

I see. Christianity isn’t mandatory. It’s jus you got to hell if you don’t participate.

Sorta like saying taxes aren’t mandatory but you might wind up in jail if you don’t pay.

You don’t understand. Putin still has to contend with the Communists in Russia, during elections. In those comments he was stressing the motivational idealism of communism.

Idealistic young people tend to pass through phases of communist thinking. Putin needs their vote.

The Soviet Communist party was banned in 1991 however they allow a new communist party. Putin is neither a member of that party, nor a ideological communist.

He knows perfectly well that the idealism is naive. Putin is Christian. Russia is very much Christian

Marxist Leftists (atheists) frequently try to equate
Communist ideals with Jesus.

Well lets see, I can show you people in jail for not paying their taxes, can you show me someone in hell?

Yes you can. Well, you can’t but God can.

ZERO proof

The queen of England is my mother too.


Yes. Proof exists.

Lisa Page

Uh, is that it? Typing Lisa Page is the new tapping heels and dreaming of Auntie Mae.

The Trump presidency has revealed our stupidity epidemic.

I can’t believe this website is FREE.

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WRONG. Putin is a liar.

Is your life so empty you have to post this ■■■■ to get attention.

She’s the worst of the Q-Anon Nuts. She thinks Hillary and Obama have already been arrested and are wearing ankle monitors, and that very soon the Obama admin will be executed at Guantanmo bay.

She’s chosen to be insane and can never be helped.

Rp5x5 means this literally. Her delusion compels her to believe that any day now a secret video tape of Huma Abadien will be released showing her and hillary slitting a childs throat and then eating it.