40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

BTW, take a good guess which countries are part of America? Don’t do a Google search!


Melting pot does not mean that all traces of ones heritage fades…its like fondue it adds a new flavor

I prefer the term of we are a nice garden salad.

Chicano culture defines Chicanos, not Americans just like Cowboy Culture defines Cowboys, not all Americans.

Those are sub cultures, how much deeper do we need to go here?

You’re a Canadian.

sub cultures of what?

If you ask a Chicano if he is American, what answer would you expect

Good lord man, I’m not going to do an elementary version just for you.

If you can’t figure it out on your own try Google.

He’s also American.

What continent is Canada located on.

I’m jealous of the AUS they get their own continent.

Chicano is a sub culture of American culture.

No kidding.

What about African America culture? Is that not American culture?

Or Jewish American culture…

or Cuban American, or Irish American, or Scottish American, or English American, or French American.

its almost like its a big salad.

best part? you can pick and choose what you want on your salad.

This is what I love about America, one of my favorite things to do is to take my family on road trips across the country.

The experience is American yet unique depending on the place we visit.

You mean “this is what I love about the United States “?

Yeah when I say America I think USA, I love this country and I am proud of this land for the very reason that many are one and one are many.

Hell I may even go see a Rodeo now…

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It amazing isn’t it, Canada is the same way we are free to be ourselves and mix in and out of any culture, religion, etc.

Just need to follow a few basic rules and the rest is open roads.