40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

No … it was HIS fear; HIS hatred. It had nothing to do wth a “collective” fear or hatred. He acted on his own, not as an agent for western civilization.

You should read his manifesto. It’s got trump’s name on it.
BTW, this is the last time I will be responding to you in this thread.


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Yes and we have allowed his fears, his hatred to become normalized behavior, we have allowed anti-migrant ideology to become acceptable.

Muslim ban.

If an American politician came out this week and said we should ban Muslims, or put them on a list? what you think the reaction would be.

when people wanted to help Syrian refugees what the reaction to it?

would people call that for what it is anti-migrant behavior that fuel hatred and violence?
or try to defend it ?

None that I know of. It’s called transference. His hatred of bad behavior he oberved in other ME immigrants was transferred to all ME immigrants. It is no different than any other extreme prejudice against a particular class of people.

And you don’t think we should not normalize the hatred of people as acceptable behavior?

It has nothing to do with us. It has to do with his perception of them. People have hated other groups of people for as long as there have been people … it is NOT a new phenomenon.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it. :roll_eyes:

You don’t think the growing acceptance of anti-migrant ideology around the world is linked to the rise of anti-migrant violence around the world?

And there are homes that cultivate that hatred and reinforce it. Internet communities, presidents of other countries that tell you your hatred is justified.

Hate is normal for human beings. It always has been and almost certainly it always will be. It will probably be the cause of the extinction of our species.

are you suggest we should accept the wide spread hatred of migrant as normal behavior? Its normal behavior for the President to link to a news site whos readers are currently at this moment praising a mass murderer.

Do you seriously think that he did this because of something he heard Trump say?

Your hatred for Trump is clouding your thinking. :neutral_face:

I’m not suggesting anything.

Trump is cool.

Where have I posted anything that remotely puts me on the side of the shooter? Are you even reading what I have said?

I don’t think it was Trump alone.

no one is suggesting a single person told him to go shoot up a mosque that was his choice. What i’m suggesting is we have allowed this ideology of hating migrant to exist as normal rational thinking, we accept people like Richard Spencer, Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc to be viewed as normal their ideology of white genocide and invading migrant acceptable when it isn’t.

When Trump says Mexico is sending us their rapists, criminal, and I assume good people and we excuse that lanauge as fine we are embalming white nationalist

word matter, what people say and how they say it matters.
There is a reason this shooter listed Trump as a model for white nationalist.

The whole run up to the mid term election Republican were painting this picture of a invading horde coming to murder everyone.

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