40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Trump is blameless of everything in your world. Got it. Yadda yadda yadda.

It demonstrates that the more people you kill the greater reach of your manifesto. There will be plenty that will read it and rationalize it. I think we should skip past all of that because most of us are not lost causes and already get it. At least I hope so.

And he will not delete the tweet because he cannot admit or fathom ever being wrong.

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from the comment section in the cesspool Trump tweeted:

They Call It Newsan hour ago

Headline: “Mass Shootings at Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand”. One word…Good.

The President of the United Staes of America swims with these kinds.


Think about that.

Those are his people. There is no “wrong”.

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He specifically referenced Breitbart for a reason. He knows his base all too well.

I’m reading the comments section and I am completely aghast at the vile hatred his base spews, it’s insane.

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I haven’t verified it, but I saw it mentioned the last time he tweeted Breitbart was on 9/11.

Twitter wasn’t around back then. It started in 2006.

The most recent anniversary.

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My apologies sir.

Trump Jr used this shooting to attack the Media.

My problem with Trump is that he thinks this is all a game and everything is just about how it can be used for ratings to keep people interested. None of it matters. The “fake news thing”, birtherism, enemy of the people, white nationalism. I really don’t know how racist he is and how much he just plays it up because he gets the right reactions. He’s cultivated hatred as the life force of his political traction and flirts with violence and the response is “Trump is cool”.

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Oh bull ■■■■■ The example he spoke to was middle easterners immigrating into (his word was invading) western countries.

Don’t you feel we have excused the irrational fear of migrants be they Muslim, Asian, Hispanic. we are allowing this hate to breed I see it every day in Canada no one is murdering anyone but the hate is there its being pushed on innocent people."

we are collectively allowing this hate to breed with our silence.

The fear (transformed into hatred) this man has for ME immigrants has nothing to do with us, it has to do with the actions and behavior of many of those immigrants in western countries.

Pute hatred for immigrants. The common name this killer used for these immigrants were “invaders”.
You know which group uses this description on a daily basis here in the US?

IT has nothing to do with ME immigrants they didn’t bring them on themselves. this was a irrational fear which we have collectively allowed to exist as normal.

it should have never got to the extent in which we culturally normalized anti-migrant ideology.

His motivation did not come from the US, it came from the behavior he observed of those immigrants who have been flooding into western countries.

What actions and behaviors by the murdered led to their death at this racist scumbag’s hands?

Yet he directly talk about the alt-right, Trump, etc in his manuscript, we are all part of a collective world you can’t sit back and say America hasn’t normalized anti-migrant beliefs when you have.