40 people killed at Mosque shooting in New Zealand

That’s what your harvesters are counting on. Way to do your part for their cause. lol

And it most certainly was abused for this incident. It reinforced his beliefs, and inspired him to live stream his terrorism.

It’s not THE cause, but most certainly a contributing factor. And before anyone gets their panties in a wad, no - I’m not suggesting censorship here. Just pointing out a simple truth.

Glad we agree then.

Understood. Thanks.

I don’t know if I agree. Like politics, media may be mostly local but there’s a ‘national’ (maybe even international these days) influence on the local and the ‘locals’ also effect the national discussions.

We use harvesters for our wheat crops. Though I am at a loss to understand what that has to do with this topic.

So there is no ambiguity I am proud that PM Ardern and her government will be tightening their gun laws. I will also be proud if the new Australian Government puts more stringent and tighter gun laws in the second half of this year.


No worries, most people don’t know they are a crop.

Again, that’s what they’re counting on. You’re doing great!


Who are they?

The ones whom you’re so openly proud of losing your rights (and other’s rights) to.

Sheep think their life is great, because some hero farmer out there coddles their every need in life. Good food, a place to sleep for free, protection from monsters, medicine when they’re sick, etc…

Little do they know, all this benevolence is a ruse to keep them calm while the farmer prepares to slaughter and eat them, only to crap out their remains the next day. In the end, all they did was sustain someone until the next meal, and were never thought of again. But hey, that fantasy ride was probably worth it, until the end. :hugs:

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On a random plus note, it would appear that avatars are making a comeback.

Will there be more murders today in New Zealand or Chicago? New Zealand or Baltimore? New Zealand or Detroit? New Zealand or New Orleans? As more and more of our youth are born into fatherless homes, the more violence that will emerge from them. It isn’t about guns, it’s about fathers and mothers not being responsible to teach those they brought into the world, how to live your life peacefully, successfully and with fulfillment. There’s the root of the problem, now what are we going to do about it?

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Zilch, zip, nada, no-thang.

I know…and watching these children being born into these homes is simply observing legalized and government supported…child abuse.

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Gets even darker than that when one realizes where most missing children come from.

Did Donald Trump write that for you? I have not lost any rights nor will I have any rights lost if Australia’s gun laws and/or race hate laws are strengthened. I know it is a difficult concept for some to comprehend that we don’t want nor need such guns to be in the hands of civilians in Australia.

And what an outrageous concept that when someone needs medical help it is available irrespective of one’s socio-economic circumstance.

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Bless Australia’s heart. Holy crap. lol

SixFoot you really shouldn’t transfer your jaundiced views to other nationalities. As bad as our current PM is I would never swap him for your president.

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Damn right you wouldn’t. We’re doing great without the trash you call PM’s. lol

Was there something revealed recently about Tarrant’s upbringing that suggests to you this was his problem? From what I understand his father died about ten years ago from cancer. Was he a terrible parent before his death?

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Damn, now people know this piece of crap’s name. :neutral_face:

I have called out Australia’s current PM many times but I don’t recall calling him trash. I also hope that he will be replaced within the next three month.