310 electoral votes - or almost a clean sweep

Over the years, 17 States and the District of Colombia have passed “The National Popular Vote Bill”. Basically the law says that when enough states have passed the law, that the combined total equals 270 electoral votes – the law in the individual states (and DC) will take effect. Possibly reversing the vote of the citizens of the state.
Now to give you an Idea.
If Trump wins NV and AZ, he will end up with 312 Electoral votes.
Not one of the 312 belongs to the 18 with the law.
Imagine being in these states after an election like last night, and knowing your vote changed from Blue to Red.
Currently sits at 209 Electoral Votes
Washington DC 3
Delaware 3
Hawaii 4
Maine 4
Rhode Island 4
Vermont 3
Colorado 10
Connecticut 7
Massachusetts 11
Minnesota 10
New Jersey 14
New Mexico 5
Oregon 8
Washington 12
California 54
Illinois 19
New York 28

So join with me in saying Donald Trump didn’t get 312 Electoral votes – he got 521 Electoral votes.
Anyone disagrees – tell them there are 18 states that would love to have their vote go the popular vote winner.
(as I’m writing this, Trump leads by a little over 4.7 million votes nationwide.)


Good to see you still kicking around. :+1: welcome back!


Good to see ya Snow. It’s been a hot minute since I last saw you post.

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I’m still kickin’. Been doing a lot of lurking. Since covid been short staffed at work and had the mandatory overtime thing (anywhere from 8 to 12 hours a week).
But as of November 1st, fully staffed and getting to learn what a 40 hour work week is again.

Edit to add: Before I was just Deplorable. Now I’m Deplorable Garbage :grin:


You may be deplorable garbage, but you won’t be paying taxes on that overtime!


Double badge of honor. Good to see you Snow.

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Oh good, snow didn’t crash his one-wheel into the ditch. Had me worried for a while there. :rofl:

Not into a ditch but I did crash, I did break bones, I did sell the one-wheel :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grin: