30 Uttar Pradesh Districts Are Now Covid-Free

Well, not if they get the magic boosters (magic 3rd vaccine) after the magic 2nd vaccine after the magic 1st vaccine.

After all, there’s absolutely no other way to prevent it. Nothing has been invented or even thought of yet! :wink:

Yeah… the guy who linked to an article about how a massive vaccination program was implemented and Covid was gone and then goes on to argue that the massive vaccination program had nothing to do with it is saying that I am squirming.

Crazy how now India is better at this than we are.


Looks like immunity from exposure is also a compelling factor. They claim 52% partially vaccinated which would be on the lower end of the scale in US.

The state’s active caseload, which was at a high of 3,10,783 in April, has now been reduced to 196.

Uttar Pradesh has administered over 9.72 crore vaccine doses so far. In addition, over 52.78% of the state’s eligible adult population is partially vaccinated while over 1.75 crore have been given both doses of the vaccine.

The commas in 3,10,783 are distracting so I am just going with 310,783.

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Are they? Do you really want to go through what India just went through to get to where they are now?

What is “herd immunity”?

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The obesity factor comes in to play yet again.

India did the best it could and appears to have faired well enough.

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I am convinced it is more rare than unicorns and fairy dust now.



Yep, all these “genius” libs were wrong the whole time, and they’ve been reduced to a whimpering tantrum. :man_shrugging:


Wrong and completely unfocused and unhelpful.

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Nope… it would be better if we skipped the step of tons of people getting sick and dying.

We can do that if people would get vaccinated.

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I wouldn’t say unfocused. They’re still trying to convince us they ever knew jack ■■■■ . :wink:

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Maybe? I got vaxxed but I believe there’s much more to that regarding India’s success.

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Why are you ignoring the massive vaccination effort that the government reported as well?

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It looked to me like they hired the first 1000 people at an ADHD retreat to lead the communication effort.

Fauci first statement on public masks is that they are not necessary and of minimal benefit was correct.

Now half the nation thinks they are magic covid shields of righteous behavior.



Much more to it.

“hOrSe DeWoRmEr!1!”


They are at 52%…why is US not at same result at same vaccination level?


Yeah… they did testing and tracing and simple mitigation like mask mandates and they did have a hard lockdown.

Then they had this massive vaccination program.

So it is a bunch of things… all of them are being argued against.

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You really have to wonder why anyone would be against ivermectin when Israel and India both said it’s effective?


Now you’re on the right track.


As you completely ignored the highly successful use of therapeutics and prophylaxes (after raging against those very treatments all year). I complete you. :sunglasses:

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