3 mass shootings in a row that go against the narrative

Which would be fine.


Scarce evidence this would make everyone safer.

And I am a gun rights advocate before anyone jumps to the typical responses.

In fact, more guns may make more crimes that wouldn’t end in violence end that way.

Problem is…as with a lot of questions like this, the data we have is very very poor.

I’ve understood the whole time.


I’m okay with it

There is still hope eh?

Is that a problem?

People have the right to bear arms.


Well we are getting there, hopefully it translates to less mass shootings and not more

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It may certainly help to stop them faster and lessen the number of victims.

Like that case in that mall a few months back where an armed citizen took out the shooter from distance with a handgun. The casualties were much less than they would have been then had he not acted.


It certainly may, we will just have to wait and see as the populace continues to be more armed

it’d be just like wild west huh?

Wow, what do these incidents all have in common?

someone with severe mental illness snapped and hurt people, and more people with guns were needed to save lives


A mass murdering psychopath.


They were all likely democrats……


We could say they were all individuals who broke a whole slew of laws…. But dang nabbit, if we just had a few more laws those would have stopped them.


Umm no, that’s not it.

You ignored the second part of his post.

no… I didn’t

Nope. In fact, Colorado is an open carry state, but cities can opt out. Colorado Spring doesn’t appear to have done so.

I don’t know. I’ve never lived there.

Everybody everywhere all the times yes.

Otherwise no.