2nd Amendment Doesn't Apply on the Hill

Lauren Boebert … going to have to keep an eye on her.

How will they challenge eachother to a duel? BTW, is that legal?

Duel? Hell no! Just hunker down behind their desks and blaze away! :laughing:

C-Span would finally get out of single digit ratings!

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I know the conversation you were in was about LEOs. I just used that as a springboard to point out some stuff about Boebert (who is the person I suspect the libs’ proposal – for which this thread was started – seeks to hamstring) that has put her on her lib colleagues’ bad side.


Forget it…

Whoa, how did I get thrown into this time throback???

You’re the physics guy … You tell us. :sunglasses:

You didn’t see the time portal?

Why are you messaging now? That was in 2020.