26 FBI Agents at Jan 6!

I also suspect he will get one.

biden’s handing out pardons and commutations like Halloween candy.


No it actually isn’t :joy:

A majority of the time some of the time blah blah blah. There is no evidence that they were instructed to instigate and the reason why you needed to differentiate between the two and state majority of the time is because they ar bottle same thing.

In a drug bust an informants job is absolutely to instigate the other side to admit a crime was committed so the FBI can arrest the other party involved. This is one example of many.

You been watching too much tv. There is no evidence that they were they there to instigate. Again you are not understanding something very basic. They were they. There is no evidence that they instigated anything. Any conclusions that they did basedon prior bad acts are not without basis but they are without am evidence.

Not in this case. Again. From the article.

“One FBI field office tasked a CHS to travel to DC to report on the activities of a predicated domestic terrorism subject who was separately planning to travel to DC for the January 6 Electoral Certification

To report on this individual. Not to tell them to go to the event, or go to the capital, or to enter the capital. You have to remember, the only actual event that day was the “Stop the Steal” rally. The march to the capital wasn’t necessarily planned. So how would the FBI know and then tell their CHSs to instigate something that wasn’t planned?

Commutations bad! :joy:

Can’t have it both ways. If they entered the Capitol or secured areas independently and on their own, then their actions were not FBI related and there was no basis for prosecuting others for the same thing but not them. If it was because they were Human Resources, then there is a nexus between them and what they were doing and the fbi and that relationship made them agents under the normal meaning of the word.

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LOL you have clue ■■■ you are even talking about! You believe informants go rogue without agents involved? Lmao Wray sent informants and agents to PTA meetings to arrest parents who throw fits.

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What that means is when these sources talked to their handler in the weeks before about their up coming plans and they mention the J6 protest the handler prob asked them to keep an eye out for certain things when they went.

Literally the same thing happened when I mentioned I was going to a crypto convention in a few weeks to my handler. They give you a few topics they are interested in and ask you too let them know if you hear anything of interest and if you are lucky they might buy you a plane ticket.

They are not telling random sources to do anything illegal.

The moment you say if changes everything because it’s all supposition. Right now the evidence shows that they don’t instigate anything. That may change. I have my doubts.

LOL you have no clue, because these informants arent saying what they were instructed to do. They are just admitting an agent was involved. Which J6 said didn’t happen in their findings.

What are you talking about. I can repost what i wrote. You can read what i wrote and respond to that or respond to what you think i wrote.

Your choice

How do we know those 3 weren’t arrested?

There ya go. Finally. You are finally getting there


It’s in the report.


Then they entered restricted areas on their own. Why not prosecuted like others who entered restricted areas on their own? Their trespasses were not fbi related, according to your theory.


Informants are there to snitch if laws are broken that’s their only purpose, or to manufacture one so the fbi can arrest a person of interest.

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Because the FBI instructed their informants to break the law, and the informant won’t rat on the agent in fear of they themselves being locked up.

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There was also “no evidence “ Al Capone was responsible for anybody’s murder so I rekon according to you. He is innocent.


Not according to the report. If you want to say the report is wrong, fine … but just saying the informants were told to break the law is unfounded.