2024 State of The Union Speech

Yeah. :rofl:

All the above.

Local radio guy is betting he falls going up the steps.

He and the rest of the dems love to call our Republic a Democracy.


That would actually maybe make his idiocy worth watching.

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That and the Poopy Pants Shuffle? :grinning:

Wonder if it will be his voice or a dub over like Hercules in New York Arnold style.

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do they still have that old relic of days gone by.

SOTU is a dinosaur whose time is just about up.


Trump is going to do play by play in real time.



biden laser

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Probably be on truth would be my guess.


Well, if I ever needed a reason to meander back on over there. :rofl:

(I do hope Truth expands to something more than just another petty soapbox for people to feel like their rants matter in real life)


I’m not even sure I even registered. I want actual truth not wine fest.

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On Truth Social.

I posted it in the Trump 2024 thread.

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Ugh. The only thing worse than the debates is the SoTU

So now we are discrediting the speech as a relic of the past before it is even given. All eyes will be on him as he ascends to the speaking podium from the House Floor. Do they have someone hold his arm as he goes up those few steps, or roll the dice on him making it to the top on his own. And the same thing when he is done.


Yep, it’s all they have. They know it will be a ■■■■ show. Biden hyped up on stimulants to keep him upright at that hour, mood swings from creepy whisper Joe to Scream the halls down Joe calling half the nation terrorists.

Spending the time blaming Republicans for the border even though they have spent the past 3 years saying there was no problem with the border, telling people to rejoice that prices have gone down even though they are astronomical compared to 3 years ago etc.

If anyone is planning a drinking game don’t choose the word “Look” or the phrase “I’m not kidding”. Y’all will die from alcohol poisoning.


It will be…blame Trump, blame Republicans, insult the USSC, lie, lie, lie, lie. Walk away with a blank look on his face.


Will they let him try to come down the stairs unaided after the speech? If they help him up and down he looks frail. If he slips in any way, he looks frail. If he struggles at all going up, or down, he looks frail.


For non political Americans who tune in out of curiosity (if that is still a thing), they are going to be surprised by how much older he comes across now. It will not be good for Joe. He’s in a really bad spot, and will be in an even worse spot come Friday morning.


Wonder how he would react if Johnson tore up his speech in front of him?