2020 presidential election odds

That was the match…the media was the gasoline and they’ve been fanning this since the beer summit. Now get back to your microscope. :sunglasses:

I agree. I can’t wait to see who he picks for a running mate.

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A man being murdered by a cop on video of course had nothing to do with it.

Nor a man being hunted and murdered on cell phone video while jogging.

Nor a lady in Central Park who called the cops on a black man who simply politely asked her to obey park rules.

Nope…it’s all a media frenzy.


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A man crying for his life, for his mother as the life was taken out of him…but its was the media!

“The real question is who leaked this video to the media?”! - Trumpers maybe

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I stand against all crimes like you mention but when I consider all the murders out there, this represents a very, very, very small portion, compared to the whole. When innocent children are shot by those shooting in drug wars in the inner city and the many heinous crimes as such…why this one? Why any of those? Why not when it’s against a white person? There over twice as many white deaths by cop? Where’s the outrage?

The main difference is the fanning of the flames and the gasoline thrown on these incidences by the MSM.

The police officer will now face a jury…as it should be. The aggravation of the crime, might lead to his death? Either way, he’s off the street and will never have this opportunity to commit a crime such as this in the future. If he gets life in prison, my guess is that will be even worse because of what he did?

Its hard to understand or relate to what is happening, more importantly the why behind it when one comes from privilege, I understand

Talk about bad timing. Donald Trump was doing so well up until two months ago, look now, economy bad, unrest all over the nation. If he gets re-elcted he will be called the teflon Don.
How he handles this unrest will be the ever lasting perception of him concerning race, and Judical practices, but mostly race for sure.
And not just for himself, but for his children, and family for at least the next 100 years.
He needs help.
For someone always in front of the camera, now when we need him most he gives the perception of hiding, peeping out the windows or something, scared. It is not a good look.
Please Donald this is the big leagues time to shine. Do something that doesn’t involve Americans shooting Americans.

Shifting back to the OP, I will just suffice it to say that at this time, I will neither offer nor accept odds on this Presidential election. :smile:

Conventional wisdom would indicate a Democratic landslide.

However, conventional wisdom seems to go out the window in the presence of Donald Trump. And, of course, Democrats are immensely talented at ******* away elections they should easily win.


This event is his Legacy, like it or not, does he really not get that?
This is so big a problem, he needs help.
We need to see that concerned, understanding, metered, President, but man he seems gassed.
My money is always on my President, but come on Mr. President. This is it, speech of all time speeches kinda’ stuff.
This is historical, if he wants to get re-elcted he has to pull this off. I feel helpless, like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
Come on, Donald.

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No…it’s weak…no matter how one tries to spin it? It’s a failure from with in and I don’t understand and I hope, I never do. That said, if there’s anything positive I can do to influence this in a positive way, I’m in.

LMAO is tweeting what Trumpists accept for leadership these days. Its just sad.

Yes, it is sad that dems haven’t been able to come up with anything better while deriding Trump. Maybe they’ll figure it out in 4 more years. Maybe not.

Trump makes it easy to deride him. He is a Pathetic man desparate to prove his worth as a President. But its also a bit scary that we have a petulant child in the WHite House.

Meh, smattering of sad insults. He’s done well in drawing the ire of the left. That means he’s on the right track.


The Dow loves Trump.

Maybe he can say the Chinese stole the election and appoint a special investigator to look for collusion before he leaves.

In the midst of the corona virus pandemic and rioting, Biden, with his total eloquence, has stolen the limelight by announcing, most eloquently, that he will be picking a woman for VP. In his own inimitable words:

“I don’t need help to elect me. I’m not asking for-- to-- that’s not what I’m-- I need help and advice to go along as to what I think I should and shouldn’t be doing. And by the way, when I decided to decide-- when I made the decision, Jill and I-- that was Jill and I made the decision that it was important that there be a woman vice president.”

He’s going to kill Trump in the debates.

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Too bad the Dow doesn’t get a vote.

However the 40,000,000 recently unemployed do, which is why the dems are favored to take back the White House.


Trump won’t debate Biden. He will still be down in his bunker cowering.


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