2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

You guys got him now.

Let us know how it all turns out.

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Looking like we all will be getting enriched on how low the Dems stooped to across America sooner than later.

Keep that home fire burning.

Come again?:thinking:

What do you have to say about this Tina Peters, an elected official in Mesa County, Colorado who is under attack for daring to preserve a copy of her office’s Dominion Server under the premise it could avoid altering or destroying election data?


This is a repeat. We’ve already discussed it and nothing new has come up that I know of. It looks to like she did something illegal but her defense is that it needed to be done and she is a whistleblower. We will have to see if the AG or a jury agree with her.

I did post that Lauren Boebert defended the AG in this case which takes some air out of the claim that this is all just a partisan attack against her.

I am curious what you think of the Maricopa election boards rebuttals to the cyber ninja report. I posted it a few days back:


They refute a huge percentage of the “possible fraud” cases that were referred to the AG by Fann.

They also add a lot more color to how the name/address/registration matching was performed by Cyber Ninjas and how it’s deficiencies inflated the number of ballots flagged as suspicious.

Listen to these concerns raised in Wisconsin.


Isn’t that the lady that got caught trying to change voting machines to allow back door access?

Now she’s grifting for her defense fund. The left won’t take her down. Her actions will.

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…and well you should. The answer most likely is because it wasn’t what they wanted regurgibleated.

And that “elections expert” is just regurgibleeting bad information. While he points to state numbers and the AP article above points to only one jurisdictions (hence the difference in the number of people), the explanation has been provided over-and-over-and-over again.

But some sheeple just have to repeat the big lie.

As a database person, yes Virginia, when fields are required in a data conversion you pick a common and recognizable value for consistency purposes. When it’s a beginning day I usually use 01/01/1900. However neither article mentions that for those conversion records with 01/01/1918, the reason that date was chosen is because another previously not required field from the various paper records was the date of birth and for that 01/01/1900 was used. Therefore the registration date was set to 18 years after that. With data formatted for dates, the date fields cannot hold text, so a date must be used. When I’m converting text data with a NULL value into a required field, I will typically use “Historical” as a value which then allows a differentiation between old and newer records. But with a date field that won’t hold text, not so easy. [EDIT: Also we use an “End of Time” date for date tracking as 12/31/4000, a date we can query on, but no one expects any of our EEs to be still with us in the year 4000.]

So much for this “expert”.



Then he’s not an expert if what you’re saying is true but he was portrayed as better than that. Truly…I wouldn’t know. I’m trusting those involved at this level in Wisconsin to be neutral, in search of the truth and this is their “expert” and this is what he provided.

But you brought it up, again.

This false claim about 1/1/1918 cycles through repeatedly, the reason is given. Then conveniently “forgot” and recycled again.


If it’s false, then his expertise is lacking. What I want is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and until I’m satisfied that that’s what’s being told, I’ll keep waiting for it. Due to the powers that be, this is taking a long time but in time, I believe the “truth” of the election will be revealed. If you think you’ve already heard all there is needed to make up your mind, be comforted. I’m not.

However, when the “truth” is presented it’s ignored. Time passes and the same falsehoods get repeated as if there is something new being presented.

The 1/1/1918 dates in Wisconsin is one example.

Pulling “suitcases” out from under tables is another when in fact they were valid ballot storage bins waiting to be counted.

Another is “votes being delivered in unmarked vans in the middle of the night” when in fact is as a news organization moving electronic equipment.


Which appears that there are some (not saying you personally here) fall into the above.



It wasn’t the pulling of suitcases at the Fulton County arena, it’s the FACT observers were sent home. The excuse is, it was due to a miscommunication. Observing the video, the counting began before the observers had time to reach the cars in the parking lot. So…if it was truly due to a “miscommunication”, it could have been easily rectified…but it wasn’t. Why is that?

No it’s not, the FACT is that some of the election staff (“cutters”) were originally released and the observers CHOOSE to leave when that was announced.

They were welcome to have stayed and there is no requirement that observers be present, just that they are allowed if they CHOOSE.

And the entire counting process was video taped.


If you can’t trust “Let’s Go Brandon News”… who can you trust?


Optics were poor nonetheless. Observers going home for the night and then those suitcases come out is what you apparently believe is not much of a concern, others feel something smells fishy.