2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

These guys spend a lot of time trying to explain why God does not intervene in our daily lives.
But when it comes to Trump, it was God’s will to put him in office. But hey, God is just waiting until the right minute to change minds in the SCOTUS.
I always liked how when Jerry Falwell Jr. was asked about Trump’s past said that becoming POTUS changed Trump into a good and righteous man. I about fell off the chair.

That’s delusional

George Soros, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg and the rest of the globalist cabal have plenty of money to throw into spurious law suits designed to bankrupt those who expose and critique their agenda. Lodging a lawsuit does not prove you are the innocent victim.

Lunatics have ruined that man’s life.

In a just world, that man should have the right to beat the snot out of sniveling little conspiracy whackos.

This is probably true. Even with all the trouble he’s in, Trump is famously lazy and is probably still spending most of his days watching cable news to see if people are talking about him…


Yes he is a horrible man. For years, he has used god to his advantage. During tragedies, he said god was punishing people for abortion , gays, secularism. It makes me upset that god allows pat to live this long.

That’s entirely delusional

No it’s backed up by his past. He gets bored and frustrated with details. He just wants things done when he says them and just assumes things have happened because he says he did it. Work is in the details. He’s never spent time learning the intricacies of any issue in four years. You may be equating work with he spends a lot of time flying and driving to arena’s of his cult followers. That’s not work for him. He loves that and doesn’t involve him doing anything but showing up and basking in their love. Work isn’t watching endless hours of cable news and tweeting

Ruined who’s life?

The man who is in hiding from the death threats from your imbecile friends.

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How sweet. We are pretending the left doesn’t do such things.

disclaimer: I do not agree with doxxing, death threats etc. in any case for any reason. People need to grow the hell up and walk away.

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Where do you think he ever got those thoughts?

the trump campaign,guiliani,powell,OANN and a host of other have been sued for their dominion systems nonsense

Don’t know. It’s non sense no matter what source.

This is definitely good news. I was just coming to post an interview with the executive in question about this lawsuit. Hopefully, this can bring some justice to a man whose reputation has been destroyed and whose family has been placed in danger due to the web of lies that Trump and his minions have spun over the past few weeks.

This would be a good step in the fight against irresponsible leaders making unsupported allegations on a whim. I don’t know how they can live with themselves.

Who is hiding from death threats? First it’s anonymous sources ad nauseam. Now it’s anonymous victims?

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So, does this lawsuit give Rudi rights of discovery, access to the machines for forensic analysis and access to Coomer’s emails?

Do you seriously think that he would file multiple lawsuits if there was something fishy with the machines?

Yes. Lawsuits cost both sides. The party with more money can financially destroy the party with limited resources before they ever get to court. It’s called lawfare. The globalusts use it a lot, because they have so much of the world’s money at their disposal.

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