2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 1)

Anybody who gets it. Your alliances are very fragile. Trump glue was all that was holding them together.

Your alliances are eating the glue.



Some of the laws governing how electors are chosen came about because of 1876.


How many times you going to go for the false equivalence?

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The votes that would be cast out aren’t illegitimate.

The relief being asked is for the elections in those states to be cast aside.

I do not see this as about Trump. I would rather Biden win and our election procedures get strengthened, than Trump win and nothing happens.

Even the Dems were worried about mail in ballots when Trump stated something to the effect of vote for me and vote often., or vote by mail and vote in person.

Think about it. Half the country thought Russia interfered by making a few posts on facebook.

If this continues to go as in the direction it has in this election, we may as well turn it in to an American Idol contest where people can vote by phone as many times as they like.

Must have missed the dozens of lawsuits, refusal to acknowledge election results, claims of voter fraud in multiple states and attempts to have the courts and state representatives overturn the popular vote last time around. Maybe you could give some examples of how it went “the other way” so we can compare? It has never come close to the scale of how it is right now.

What are you talking about?

If Biden gets in, the Dems will be emboldened and continue to work around the state’s legislator’s.

That’s hand waving away how a significant portion of the country, if the current admin were to be successful in seizing power in an election they lost, would be right there cheering it on and supporting it. Heck thats their preferred outcome. They have their own entire media apparatus cheering it on as well.

The only reason it’s not happening is it because it wasn’t close enough to steal for Republicans.

Seems a little oh I dunno, undemocratic.

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Mueller probe is morally equivalent to what Trump is doing, don’t you see?

Biden cant do anything without the Senate. Also read the follow on part of my statement. I want strict election laws. Biden will only have four years. The the country will vote again and hopefully with stricter laws.

There is no place where Dems “tried to work around state legislators”.

Playing On Everything that’s going on again?

My biggest problem with all this is being told that if you followed the rules set out by election officials in your state and voted by mail that you have now somehow “disenfranchised” voters who decided to vote in person in another state.

Well then. You guys© shouldn’t have cheated
it is the only fair thing to do.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

This is no legal way for the any Presidential administration or Senate to intervene with changes to state laws.

Who cheated?

Everyone!!! Can’t you seeee???

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There is no ignorance. People in Pennsylvania who voted by mail voted in accordance with current law.