184 days (6 months) until January 20, 2021, who are you voting for President?

No it wasn’t it was pure assumption based on your own bias, you didn’t even bother to read the rest much less consider the words before posting.

It’s hard to even pretend you are trying to pretend to have an honest conversant which you purposely clip my posts and choose to ignore the explanation in reply to your errant post.

What will almost certainly happen though as the promises are kept with respect to loading up the courts to eliminate the our 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendment protections through court packing and the continued destruction of our long standing institutions and monuments violence will all but certainly be the result.

You cannot divide the country and so polarize it stripping people of their rights and expect a peaceful surrender, not in this country, it isn’t going to happen.

You are again reminding me of your own solicitousness which was why I ceased responding to you long ago.

Let’s do better.

Frankly, I gave your ridiculously hyperbolic scenario the response it deserved. NONE of what you predict will occur as the result of a Biden victory, or even regaining the Senate. The country didn’t go to hell in 2016 as Democrats predicted. It didn’t go to hell in 2008 as Republicans predicted. The losing party will piss and moan, try to gum up the works, and maybe gin up enough fear and resentment to retake one or both houses in the midterms. Life in the US will go on, pretty much as it has for almost 250 years.

Yes, Donald Trump is a jackass. But he doesn’t have the power to destroy this country. Nor does either ruling political party. The Founders did an amazing job of seeing to that. We will continue to grow and change and thrive.


The country is burning around our ears and the divide is the worst it’s been since the civil war. Open up the windows, turn on the news, or look for it online.

This isn’t 2008, 2012, or 2016. The violence has already started and the intensity of the rhetoric driving it is getting worse, not better.

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You tell me I should try to do better to have a serious discussion. I’m supposed to ponder the ruin of our judicial system by Joe Biden"s “court packing”? As if the last 4 years haven’t happened? Merrick Garland? Some laughably unqualified federal judge appointments? And now, straight-faced declarations by Republican senators that it would be completely defensible to appoint a Supreme Court Justice this year should Ginsburg pass, even in a lame duck session?? How can I take such unironically expressed hypocrisy seriously?

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First I suggest you look up what has been promised.

“Court packing” is what FDR did with the lower courts and threatnened to do with the SCOTUS.

Creating out of thin air new judgeships and packing them with political activist judges and justices which is exactly what Biden and the rest of the dem’s have been hinting at for years an dare now promising.

You don’t understand even the basics of the subject matter here.

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trump in a landslide.

Heard it here first.

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By all means educate me. Since 1950, which controlling party in Congress has created more new federal judgeships?

I fear a party wiling to exaggerate economic shutdown and civil unrest more than Trump narcissism.

No talk of economy, policy, middle class, small business, or a positive future…tell me again who has the selfish personality.


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Just based on this poll on a very Trump friendly forum, I’d say so far it looks like Trump may want to go ahead and get started on his re-election campaign


And this is hannity,s forum.

Betcha he never air the disastrous results of this poll.

I guess there is the secret trump vote out there in hannity forum land. Who won’t answer the question.


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Absurd. This post is not even an attempt at remaining tethered to reality. Largely no fault on Trump for his polarization and divisiveness? Come on man.

This is the very sort of thing that now defines the GOP though. They’ve become a party of airing grievances, persecution, and victim hood. The party of Reagan that was optimistic, forward looking, proud of their ideals, principled, and who believed in accountability is officially dead. It didn’t begin with Trump. But he sure drove the final nails into the coffin.


All of these same things were said in 2007/2008, yet no civil war and all of the Amendments remain in tact. Cry wolf enough times and people stop believing.


This is the easiest election I’ve ever seen in knowing which way to vote.

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Indeed. I’m in full agreement. For the first time in my many decades of voting I will be pulling the lever for a Democrat for President. That is just how terrible and dangerous Trump has been and would continue to be for our nation.

We are on our way to over a quarter million dead Americans by the end of the year from this pandemic. He has failed the only real test he has had in office. The choice for me is American lives or Trump. I’m choosing American lives every single time.


I’m so disappointed in the number of my fellow Americans who simply eat…and regurgibleet, what they’re fed. There was a time when people stood up and faced reality, without being told how to think and how to act. They could apply their life’s experience and accurately navigate through life, making excellent decisions. Now…so many…depend…on another source…almost like addicts, addicted to their fake source of security. Not me my friend. I’ll keep on, keepin on…helping all I can along the way and give my Father in Heaven all the Glory.


2008 called. They want their panic speech back.


Classic Safiel.


The “Republicans” are voting lib while pretending they ever didn’t. :wink:

Enough about the 2016 election though this is about 2020

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Again, I am in agreement. Having the ability to discern information, apply logic, not rely on others telling me what to think, makes it very disappointing to see so many of my fellow brothers and sisters in this nation who have lost all of this capability. It is even more troubling when the ones who struggle the most with this, are also the ones so blinded to their inabilities in this regard, that they actually accuse others of lacking the skill-set they so clearly do not possess. It is projection on a massive scale. And it is disappointing. I pray for these people every single day, that they may find it within themselves to open their eyes and think for themselves.

Donald Trump is a criminal. He committed high crimes and was rightfully impeached for them. He has failed to perform the most basic function of his duty in protecting the public, while a deadly pandemic ravages the nation, its citizens, and the economy. I wanted to assume that the actual loss of life of fellow Americans would make some people open their eyes to the dangers of this man. But alas, none are so blind than those that choose not to see.