160,000 Left Behind in Afghanistan?

It was a gratuitous statement that received equally gratuitous replies.

what did you think was going to happen when all the soldiers left? this was pretty much the only possible outcome.

No. Anybody that assisted our soldiers deserves a chance. If we don’t honor that commitment, we can kiss off any middle eastern intelligence for a generation - nobody will trust us.

Then you agree that removing the military assets before evacuating civilians and US citizens was a catastrophic decision?

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And I’m telling you we don’t pull people out of a country when we’re still there and need them to work for us.

Here ya go…Did it for you…

A former aide to former Vice President Mike Pence blamed racist views of a top Trump administration official for the inability of many translators and other allies to get out of Afghanistan before the U.S. withdrew troops.

Olivia Troye tweeted that Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, teamed up with “enablers” to undermine anyone trying to get the allies out by “devastating” the special immigrant visa system at the departments of State and Homeland Security.

She said she and the group were going from gate to gate at Kabul airport following directions from the State Department, but they did not make it through.

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Agreed. They most likely already have several buyers lined up to make their bid. It’s a shame that we won’t find out for a long time whether or not those anti-tampering devices work. Those were lucrative contracts for the war “effort.” :man_shrugging:

Yes Afghanistan was going to fall apart.

But it appears that American citizens have been left behind. That is the problem.

You withdraw your contractors and citizens out first. Then your collaborators who are in danger of being executed. Then your soldiers and equipment. In that order. Any equipment that has to be left behind should be destroyed.


“Taliban” assurances for Chinese safety.

Requests for Turkey to operate Kabul International Airport.

Hands are extending. Recognition is key.


Recognizing the Taliban is bad?

It’s the only way they’re going to do anything other than fighting.

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I was asking because it appeared to be saying that recognizing the Taliban as legitimate was a bad thing

I should have written that better. I’m not one of the “don’t let any Afghans in” people, and have one military friend that’s personally impacted by this situation.

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Outstanding! Way to refocus the country on the real threat.

Yeah the news needs to stay focused on the Taliban. But only discuss their actions over the last 8 months. We.must ignore that almost all of the secret negotiations regarding the ANA’s surrender when the US leaves happened in 2020 after Trump negotiated the withdrawal agreement with the Taliban

Not at all. You point?


Bit the world has gone bonkers so who knows.

They don’t need hellfires to make those Blackhawks lethal.

The lethality is dependent on who they are used against. In tribal warfare as has gone on for thousands of years in this region, the best armed tribe probably wins.